Get Silhouettes of Organisms from PhyloPic
Add PhyloPics to a base R plot
Add a PhyloPic legend for a base R plot
Annotate a ggplot plot with PhyloPics
Browse PhyloPic for a given taxonomic name or uuid
Flip a PhyloPic silhouette along its horizontal and/or vertical axis
Geom for adding PhyloPic silhouettes to a plot
Get PhyloPic attribution data
Retrieve an image for a given PhyloPic uuid
Get a PhyloPic uuid
Use PhyloPics as legend key glyphs
Pick a PhyloPic image from available options
Preview a PhyloPic silhouette
Recolor a PhyloPic image
Use a taxonomic name from another database to get a PhyloPic image UUI...
Rotate a PhyloPic silhouette
rphylopic: Get Silhouettes of Organisms from PhyloPic
Save a PhyloPic image
Scales for phylopic height or width
Work with the PhyloPic Web Service (<>) to fetch silhouette images of organisms. Includes functions for adding silhouettes to both base R plots and ggplot2 plots.
Useful links