Rank Preserving Structural Failure Time Models
Test the proportional hazards assumption of an RPSFTM/Cox Regression
Estimating Equations for rpsftm()
Extracting the z-statistic from a survival object
Plot Method
Print method
modified version of print.coxph
Print Method
modified version of print.summary.coxph
modified version of print.summary.survreg
modified version of print.survreg
rand functions to use in the rpsftm() formula
residual() method for rpsftm objects
rpsftm: a package to fit Rank Preserving Structural Failure Time Model
Rank Preserving Structural Failure Time Model
summary Method
survfit() method for rpsftm objects
Finds many (all) roots of one equation within an interval
Untreated Event Time
Implements methods described by the paper Robins and Tsiatis (1991) <DOI:10.1080/03610929108830654>. These use g-estimation to estimate the causal effect of a treatment in a two-armed randomised control trial where non-compliance exists and is measured, under an assumption of an accelerated failure time model and no unmeasured confounders.