Create Tests According to QTI 2.1 Standard
Get and process a piece of question content
Create qti-XML task file from Rmd (md) description
Get list of AssessmentItems for AssessmentSection
Get value of the slot 'calculator'
Get list of contributors values
Get file paths for attachment of test
Get identifier
Get object
Get points from AssessmentItem object
Create an element assessmentTest of a qti-xml document for test
Class AssessmentItem
Class "AssessmentSection"
Class "AssessmentTest"
Class "AssessmentTestOpal"
Prepare files to render them with QTIJS
Authentification in OPAL API
Build tags for AssessmentSection in assessmentTest
Class "Choice"
Class "CorrectFeedback"
Create object CorrectFeedback
Compose a root element AssessmentItem of xml task
Create XML file for question specification
Create XML file for exam test specification
Create an element itemBody of a qti-xml document
Create an element of metadata
Create an element outcomeDeclaration of a qti-xml document
Create XML or zip file for question specification
Create zip-archive of the qti test specification
Create an element responseDeclaration of a qti-xml document
Create an element responseProcessing of a qti-xml document
Compose a set of html elements to display question in qti-xml document
Create an Zip archive of QTI test
Class "DirectedPair"
Create object DirectedPair
Create YAML string for InlineChoice object (dropdown list)
Create data frame with test results
Class "Entry"
Create object Entry
Class "Essay"
Create object Essay
Get records of all current user's resources on LMS OPAL
Create YAML string for NumericGap object
Create YAML string for TextGap object
Class "Gap"
Get elements of the course by courseId
Get zip with course results by resource id and node id
Create a URL using the resource's display name in LMS OPAL
Class "InlineChoice"
Create object InlineChoice
Class "MatchTable"
Create a markdown list for answer options
Class "ModalFeedback"
Create object ModalFeedback
Class "MultipleChoice"
Create object MultipleChoice
Class "MultipleChoiceTable"
Create object MultipleChoiceTable
Create object NumericGap
Publish a course on LMS Opal
Class "NumericGap"
Class "OneInColTable"
Create object OneInColTable
Class "OneInRowTable"
Create object OneInRowTable
Class "Ordering"
Create object Ordering
Pipe operator
Prepare QTIJS renderer
Constructor function for class QtiContributor
Constructor function for class QtiMetadata
Class QtiContributor
shortcut for the correct QTIJS path
Class QtiMetadata
Render Rmd directly in Opal via API
Render an RMD/xml file or rqti-object as qti xml with QTIJS
Render a single xml file with QTIJS
Render a zipped qti archive with QTIJS
Create test zip file with one task xml file from Rmd (md) description
Create a section as part of a test content
Class "SingleChoice"
Create object SingleChoice
Start QTIJS on a local server
Stop QTIJS local server
Create a test
Create a test for LMS OPAL
Create object TextGap
Class "TextGap"
Create object TextGapOpal
Class "TextGapOpal"
Referenzierte Lernressource eines Kursbausteins austauschen
Upload a resource on OPAL
Class "WrongFeedback"
Create object WrongFeedback
Create tests and tasks compliant with the Question & Test Interoperability (QTI) information model version 2.1. Input sources are Rmd/md description files or S4-class objects. Output formats include standalone zip or xml files. Supports the generation of basic task types (single and multiple choice, order, pair association, matching tables, filling gaps and essay) and provides a comprehensive set of attributes for customizing tests.
Useful links