author_retrieval function

SCOPUS Author Retrieval

SCOPUS Author Retrieval

This function wraps generic_elsevier_api

to give a retrieval of an author from the Elsevier Author Retrieval API

author_retrieval_id(id, identifier = c("author_id", "eid"), http_end = NULL, ...) multi_author_retrieval(id, identifier = c("author_id", "eid"), http_end = NULL, ...) author_retrieval(au_id = NULL, last_name = NULL, first_name = NULL, view = c("LIGHT", "STANDARD", "ENHANCED", "METRICS", "ENTITLED"), self_cite = c("include", "exclude"), http_end = NULL, verbose = TRUE, api_key = NULL, headers = NULL, ...)


  • id: Identifier for author
  • identifier: Type of identifier to use
  • http_end: any additional end to http statement. See generic_elsevier_api
  • ...: Arguments to be passed to generic_elsevier_api
  • au_id: Author ID number. Overrides any first/last name argument
  • last_name: last name of author
  • first_name: first name of author
  • view: Which view to see. See
  • self_cite: Should self-citations be included?
  • verbose: Print diagnostic messages
  • api_key: Elsevier API key
  • headers: Headers passed to add_headers, passed to GET


List of elements, similar to generic_elsevier_api



for documentation


api_key = get_api_key(NULL, error = FALSE) if (!is.null(api_key)){ x = author_retrieval(au_id = "40462056100", verbose = FALSE) x = author_retrieval_id("40462056100", identifier = "author_id", verbose = FALSE) } else { x = author_retrieval_id( "40462056100", identifier = "author_id", api_key_error = FALSE, verbose = FALSE) x = author_retrieval( au_id = "40462056100", api_key_error = FALSE, verbose = FALSE) }

See Also
