Bayesian Applied Regression Modeling via Stan
: Target average acceptance probability
Extract the posterior sample
Estimation algorithms available for rstanarm
Modeling functions available in rstanarm
Compute a Bayesian version of R-squared or LOO-adjusted R-squared for ...
Example joint longitudinal and time-to-event model
Example model
family method for stanmvreg objects
family method for stanreg objects
formula method for stanreg objects
Extract X, Y or Z from a stanreg object
K-fold cross-validation
Using the ShinyStan GUI with rstanarm models
Pointwise log-likelihood matrix
Logit and inverse logit
Information criteria and cross-validation
Compute weighted expectations using LOO
model.frame method for stanmvreg objects
model.frame method for stanreg objects
model.matrix method for stanreg objects
Family function for negative binomial GLMs
Pairs method for stanreg objects
Plot the estimated subject-specific or marginal longitudinal trajector...
Plot method for stanreg objects
Plot the estimated subject-specific or marginal survival function
Posterior uncertainty intervals
Posterior distribution of the (possibly transformed) linear predictor
Draw from posterior predictive distribution
Estimate subject-specific or standardised survival probabilities
Estimate the subject-specific or marginal longitudinal trajectory
Juxtapose prior and posterior
Graphical posterior predictive checks
Model validation via simulation
Predict method for stanreg objects
In-sample or out-of-sample predictive errors
Predictive intervals
Print method for stanreg objects
Generic print method for survfit.stanjm
Summarize the priors used for an rstanarm model
Prior distributions and options
Graphical checks of the estimated survival function
The QR
Objects exported from other packages
Datasets for rstanarm examples
Deprecated functions
Applied Regression Modeling via RStan
Extract standard errors
Bayesian beta regression models via Stan
Bayesian regularized linear but big models via Stan
Conditional logistic (clogit) regression models via Stan
Bayesian generalized linear additive models with optional group-specif...
Bayesian generalized linear models via Stan
Bayesian generalized linear models with group-specific terms via Stan
Bayesian joint longitudinal and time-to-event models via Stan
Bayesian regularized linear models via Stan
Bayesian multivariate generalized linear models with correlated group-...
Bayesian nonlinear models with group-specific terms via Stan
Bayesian ordinal regression models via Stan
Methods for stanmvreg objects
Create a draws
object from a stanreg
Methods for stanreg objects
Fitted model objects
Create lists of fitted model objects, combine them, or append new mode...
Summary method for stanreg objects
terms method for stanmvreg objects
terms method for stanreg objects
Estimates previously compiled regression models using the 'rstan' package, which provides the R interface to the Stan C++ library for Bayesian estimation. Users specify models via the customary R syntax with a formula and data.frame plus some additional arguments for priors.
Useful links