Interface to USDA Databases
Downloads associations for input species from SMML Fungus-Host DB
Downloads literature from SMML Literature DB
Downloads and evaluate species presence in SMML DBs
Internal rusda Functions
Interface to USDA Databases
Downloads substrate data from SMML Nomenclature DB
Downloads synonym data from SMML Nomenclature DB
An interface to the web service methods provided by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). The Agricultural Research Service (ARS) provides a large set of databases. The current version of the package holds interfaces to the Systematic Mycology and Microbiology Laboratory (SMML), which consists of four databases: Fungus-Host Distributions, Specimens, Literature and the Nomenclature database. It provides functions for querying these databases. The main function is \code{associations}, which allows searching for fungus-host combinations.
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