Random Walk Covariance Models
Create covariance matrix from a distance matrix
Density of the (singular) Generalized Wishart distribution
Compute a squared distance matrix from a covariance matrix.
Compute the precision matrix Phi of observed nodes on a graph.
Create a precision matrix from a transition list and a set of log-cond...
Construct a transition list from a raster or raster stack
Markov chain Monte Carlo sampler for Generalized Wishart distance matr...
Simulate realizations from the Generalized Wishart distribution
Sample random normal variables with precision matrix Q.
Random Walk Covariance Models
Code to facilitate simulation and inference when connectivity is defined by underlying random walks. Methods for spatially-correlated pairwise distance data are especially considered. This provides core code to conduct analyses similar to that in Hanks and Hooten (2013) <doi:10.1080/01621459.2012.724647>.