s2_interpolate function

Linear referencing

Linear referencing

s2_project(x, y, radius = s2_earth_radius_meters()) s2_project_normalized(x, y) s2_interpolate(x, distance, radius = s2_earth_radius_meters()) s2_interpolate_normalized(x, distance_normalized)


  • x: A simple polyline geography vector
  • y: A simple point geography vector. The point will be snapped to the nearest point on x for the purposes of interpolation.
  • radius: Radius of the earth. Defaults to the average radius of the earth in meters as defined by s2_earth_radius_meters().
  • distance: A distance along x in radius units.
  • distance_normalized: A distance normalized to s2_length() of x.


  • s2_interpolate() returns the point on x, distance meters along the line.

  • s2_interpolate_normalized() returns the point on x interpolated to a fraction along the line.

  • s2_project() returns the distance that point occurs along x.

  • s2_project_normalized() returns the distance_normalized along x

    where point occurs.


s2_project_normalized("LINESTRING (0 0, 0 90)", "POINT (0 22.5)") s2_project("LINESTRING (0 0, 0 90)", "POINT (0 22.5)") s2_interpolate_normalized("LINESTRING (0 0, 0 90)", 0.25) s2_interpolate("LINESTRING (0 0, 0 90)", 2501890)
  • Maintainer: Edzer Pebesma
  • License: Apache License (== 2.0)
  • Last published: 2024-07-17