lrvar function

Long-Run Variance of the Mean

Long-Run Variance of the Mean

Convenience function for computing the long-run variance (matrix) of a (possibly multivariate) series of observations.

lrvar(x, type = c("Andrews", "Newey-West"), prewhite = TRUE, adjust = TRUE, ...)


  • x: numeric vector, matrix, or time series.
  • type: character specifying the type of estimator, i.e., whether kernHAC for the Andrews quadratic spectral kernel HAC estimator is used or NeweyWest for the Newey-West Bartlett HAC estimator.
  • prewhite: logical or integer. Should the series be prewhitened? Passed to kernHAC or NeweyWest.
  • adjust: logical. Should a finite sample adjustment be made? Passed to kernHAC or NeweyWest.
  • ...: further arguments passed on to kernHAC or NeweyWest.


lrvar is a simple wrapper function for computing the long-run variance (matrix) of a (possibly multivariate) series x. First, this simply fits a linear regression model x ~ 1 by lm. Second, the corresponding variance of the mean(s) is estimated either by kernHAC

(Andrews quadratic spectral kernel HAC estimator) or by NeweyWest

(Newey-West Bartlett HAC estimator).


For a univariate series x a scalar variance is computed. For a multivariate series x the covariance matrix is computed.

See Also

kernHAC, NeweyWest, vcovHAC


suppressWarnings(RNGversion("3.5.0")) set.seed(1) ## iid series (with variance of mean 1/n) ## and Andrews kernel HAC (with prewhitening) x <- rnorm(100) lrvar(x) ## analogous multivariate case with Newey-West estimator (without prewhitening) y <- matrix(rnorm(200), ncol = 2) lrvar(y, type = "Newey-West", prewhite = FALSE) ## AR(1) series with autocorrelation 0.9 z <- filter(rnorm(100), 0.9, method = "recursive") lrvar(z)
  • Maintainer: Achim Zeileis
  • License: GPL-2 | GPL-3
  • Last published: 2024-09-15