Single Channel Bursts Analysis
Check if segment contains subconductive states
Return a list of all the (sub)conductance states.
Copy a list of bursts (by value)
Divide a recording into bursts defined by a critical time.
Get the gaps between bursts.
Imposes a deadtime to each segment in a burst.
Transform the conductance states according to a user-defined function ...
Return pcloseds of every burst.
Return popens of every burst.
Combine bursts into one recording (with obvious spaces between them).
Remove the first and last burst from the list.
From a list of bursts, extract those that interest you by passing a se...
Order a list of bursts by some function. For instance, popen.
Artificially add amount of time between bursts (in absence of recordin...
(DON'T USE THIS) Fix meta-data of bursts.
Imposes a fixed conductance level (0 or 1) to all dwells with subcondu...
Read a .xlsx file output from clampfit
Histogram of Conductance States
Add log-root axes to histogram plot
Plot Time Series (ts) of P(Closed).
Plot Time Series (ts) of P(Open).
Read a .dwt file.
Write a dwt file to disk. Writes DOS line endings. Dwells are in milli...
Extract header from evt file.
Converts dwell durations to absolute transition times.
Read a .evt file to a table. Times are in seconds
Calculate pulse lengths. Converts transition times to dwell durations.
Write bursts to a .evt file.
Extract header from hst file.
Read a MIL ".hst" file to a table.
Write bursts to a log10(ms)-sqrt(Frequency) .hst file from open and cl...
Undo the effect of the gaussian filter.
Read a scan results text file. returns a 1 segment list Read...
Check if segment contains subconductive states
Extract closed dwells.
Return a list of all the (sub)conductance states.
Collapses a segment into dwells with alternating conductance levels.
Copy a segment
Extract number of closed dwells. In the case of subconductive states, ...
Extract number of dwells in segment.
Extract number of open dwells. In the case of subconductive states, co...
Create a "segment" object
Get duration of a segment.
Extract dwells in conductance range. lower <= x <= upper
Extract dwells in conductance range. lower <= x <= upper
Imposes a deadtime to a segment by removing any dwell that is shorter ...
Transform the conductance states according to a user-defined function ...
Extract name from segment.
Extract open dwells. (Any conductance greater than zero)
Calculate empirical P(Closed) of a segment.
Calculate empirical P(Lower <= Conductance <= Upper) of a segment.
Calculate empirical P(Lower <= Conductance <= Upper) of a segment.
Calculate empirical P(Open) of a segment. (A state is considered open ...
Extract segment number from segment.
Extract start_time from segment.
Imposes a fixed conductance level (0 or 1) to all dwells with subcondu...
Detect misrecorded data.
Remove suffix and path from filename.
Provides tools to import and export from several existing pieces of ion-channel analysis software such as 'TAC', 'QUB', 'SCAN', and 'Clampfit', implements procedures such as dwell-time correction and defining bursts with a critical time, and provides tools for analysis of bursts, such as tools for sorting and plotting.