check_input_interval function

Check that inputs are correct for interval-based forecast

Check that inputs are correct for interval-based forecast

Function assesses whether the inputs correspond to the requirements for scoring interval-based forecasts.

check_input_interval(observed, lower, upper, interval_range)


  • observed: Input to be checked. Should be a numeric vector with the observed values of size n.
  • lower: Input to be checked. Should be a numeric vector of size n that holds the predicted value for the lower bounds of the prediction intervals.
  • upper: Input to be checked. Should be a numeric vector of size n that holds the predicted value for the upper bounds of the prediction intervals.
  • interval_range: Input to be checked. Should be a vector of size n that denotes the interval range in percent. E.g. a value of 50 denotes a (25%, 75%) prediction interval.


Returns TRUE if the check was successful and a string with an error message otherwise.