series function

Import X-13ARIMA-SEATS Output Tables

Import X-13ARIMA-SEATS Output Tables

The series function imports all tables that can be saved in X-13ARIMA-SEATS.

series(x, series, reeval = TRUE, verbose = TRUE)


  • x: an object of class "seas".
  • series: character vector, short or long names of an X-13ARIMA-SEATS table. If a long name is specified, it needs to be combined with the spec name and separated by a dot (it is not unique, otherwise. See list below.). More than one series can be specified (see examples).
  • reeval: logical, if TRUE, the model is re-evaluated with the corresponding specs enabled.
  • verbose: logical, if TRUE, a message is returned if a spec is added during reevaluation.


depending on the table, either an object of class "ts" or "data.frame".


If the save argument is not specified in the model call, series

re-evaluates the call with the corresponding specs enabled (also returning a message). Note that re-evaluation doubles the overall computational time. If you want to accelerate the procedure, you have to be explicit about the output in the model call (see examples).

List of all importable tables from X-13ARIMA-SEATS:

speclong nameshort namedescription
checkcheck.acfacfautocorrelation function of residuals with standard errors and Ljung-Box Q-statistics computed through each lag
checkcheck.acfsquaredac2autocorrelation function of squared residuals with standard errors and Ljung-Box Q-statistics computed through each lag
checkcheck.pacfpcfpartial autocorrelation function of residuals with standard errors
compositecomposite.adjcompositesrsb1aggregated time series data, prior adjusted, with associated dates
compositecomposite.calendaradjcompositecacaggregated time series data, adjusted for regARIMA calendar effects.
compositecomposite.compositesrscmsaggregated time series data, with associated dates
compositecomposite.indadjsatotiaafinal indirect seasonally adjusted series, with yearly totals adjusted to match the original series
compositecomposite.indadjustfaciaffinal combined adjustment factors for the indirect seasonal adjustment
compositecomposite.indaoutlieriaofinal indirect AO outliers
compositecomposite.indcalendaricafinal calendar factors for the indirect seasonal adjustment
compositecomposite.indirregulariirfinal irregular component for the indirect adjustment
compositecomposite.indlevelshiftilsfinal indirect LS outliers
compositecomposite.indmcdmovavgif1MCD moving average of the final indirect seasonally adjusted series
compositecomposite.indmodirrie3irregular component modified for extreme values from the indirect seasonal adjustment
compositecomposite.indmodoriginalie1original series modified for extreme values from the indirect seasonal adjustment
compositecomposite.indmodsadjie2seasonally adjusted series modified for extreme values from the indirect seasonal adjustment
compositecomposite.indreplacsiid9final replacement values for extreme SI-ratios (differences) for the indirect adjustment
compositecomposite.indrevsachangesi6apercent changes for indirect seasonally adjusted series with revised yearly totals
compositecomposite.indrndsachangesi6rpercent changes (differences) in the rounded indirect seasonally adjusted series
compositecomposite.indrobustsaieefinal indirect seasonally adjusted series modified for extreme values
compositecomposite.indsachangesie6percent changes (differences) in the indirect seasonally adjusted series
compositecomposite.indsadjroundirnrounded indirect seasonally adjusted series
compositecomposite.indseasadjisafinal indirect seasonally adjusted series
compositecomposite.indseasonalisffinal seasonal factors for the indirect seasonal adjustment
compositecomposite.indseasonaldiffisdfinal seasonal difference for the indirect seasonal adjustment (only for pseudo-additive seasonal adjustment)
compositecomposite.indtotaladjustmentitatotal indirect adjustment factors (only produced if the original series contains values that are <= 0)
compositecomposite.indtrenditnfinal trend-cycle for the indirect adjustment
compositecomposite.indtrendchangesie7percent changes (differences) in the indirect final trend component
compositecomposite.indunmodsiid8final unmodified SI-ratios (differences) for the indirect adjustment
compositecomposite.origchangesie5percent changes (differences) in the original series
compositecomposite.outlieradjcompositeoacaggregated time series data, adjusted for outliers.
compositecomposite.prioradjcompositeia3composite series adjusted for user-defined prior adjustments applied at the component level
estimateestimate.armacmatrixacmcorrelation matrix of ARMA parameter estimates if used with the print argument; covariance matrix of same if used with the save argument
estimateestimate.iterationsitrdetailed output for estimation iterations, including log-likelihood values and parameters, and counts of function evaluations and iterations
estimateestimate.regcmatrixrcmcorrelation matrix of regression parameter estimates if used with the print argument; covariance matrix of same if used with the save argument
estimateestimate.regressioneffectsrefXb matrix of regression variables multiplied by the vector of estimated regression coefficients
estimateestimate.residualsrsdmodel residuals with associated dates or observation numbers
estimateestimate.rootsrtsroots of the autoregressive and moving average operators in the estimated model
forceforce.forcefactorffcfactors applied to get seasonally adjusted series with constrained yearly totals (if type = regress or type = denton)
forceforce.revsachangese6apercent changes (differences) in seasonally adjusted series with revised yearly totals
forceforce.revsachangespctp6apercent changes in seasonally adjusted series with forced yearly totals
forceforce.rndsachangese6rpercent changes (differences) in rounded seasonally adjusted series
forceforce.rndsachangespctp6rpercent changes in rounded seasonally adjusted series
forceforce.saroundrndrounded final seasonally adjusted series (if round = yes) or the rounded final seasonally adjusted series with constrained yearly totals (if type = regress or type = denton)
forceforce.seasadjtotsaafinal seasonally adjusted series with constrained yearly totals (if type = regress or type = denton)
forecastforecast.backcastsbctpoint backcasts on the original scale, along with upper and lower prediction interval limits
forecastforecast.forecastsfctpoint forecasts on the original scale, along with upper and lower prediction interval limits
forecastforecast.transformedftrforecasts on the transformed scale, with corresponding forecast standard errors
forecastforecast.transformedbcstbtrbackcasts on the transformed scale, with corresponding forecast standard errors
forecastforecast.variancesfvrforecast error variances on the transformed scale, showing the contributions of the error assuming the model is completely known (stochastic variance) and the error due to estimating any regression parameters (error in estimating AR and MA parameters is ignored)
historyhistory.armahistoryamhhistory of estimated AR and MA coefficients from the regARIMA model
historyhistory.chngestimatescheconcurrent and most recent estimate of the month-tomonth (or quarter-to-quarter) changes in the seasonally adjusted data
historyhistory.chngrevisionschrrevision from concurrent to most recent estimate of the month-to-month (or quarter-to-quarter) changes in the seasonally adjusted data
historyhistory.fcsterrorsfcerevision history of the accumulated sum of squared forecast errors
historyhistory.fcsthistoryfchlisting of the forecast and forecast errors used to generate accumulated sum of squared forecast errors
historyhistory.indsaestimatesiaeconcurrent and most recent estimate of the indirect seasonally adjusted data
historyhistory.indsarevisionsiarrevision from concurrent to most recent estimate of the indirect seasonally adjusted series
historyhistory.lkhdhistorylkhhistory of AICC and likelihood values
historyhistory.outlierhistoryrotrecord of outliers removed and kept for the revisions history (printed only if automatic outlier identification is used)
historyhistory.saestimatessaeconcurrent and most recent estimate of the seasonally adjusted data
historyhistory.sarevisionssarrevision from concurrent to most recent estimate of the seasonally adjusted data
historyhistory.seatsmdlhistorysmhSEATS ARIMA model history
historyhistory.sfestimatessfeconcurrent and most recent estimate of the seasonal factors and projected seasonal factors
historyhistory.sfilterhistorysfhrecord of seasonal filter selection for each observation in the revisions history (printed only if automatic seasonal filter selection is used)
historyhistory.sfrevisionssfrrevision from concurrent to most recent estimate of the seasonal factor, as well as projected seasonal factors
historyhistory.tdhistorytdhhistory of estimated trading day regression coefficients from the regARIMA model
historyhistory.trendchngestimatestceconcurrent and most recent estimate of the month-tomonth (or quarter-to-quarter) changes in the trend component
historyhistory.trendchngrevisionstcrrevision from concurrent to most recent estimate of the month-to-month (or quarter-to-quarter) changes in the trend component
historyhistory.trendestimatestreconcurrent and most recent estimate of the trend component
historyhistory.trendrevisionstrrrevision from concurrent to most recent estimate of the trend component
identifyidentify.acfiacsample autocorrelation function(s), with standard errors and Ljung-Box Q-statistics for each lag
identifyidentify.pacfipcsample partial autocorrelation function(s) with standard errors for each lag
outlieroutlier.finaltestsftst-statistics for every time point and outlier type generated during the final outlier detection iteration (not saved when automdl/pickmdl is used)
outlieroutlier.iterationsoitdetailed results for each iteration of outlier detection including outliers detected, outliers deleted, model parameter estimates, and robust and nonrobust estimates of the residual standard deviation
regressionregression.aoutlieraoregARIMA additive (or point) outlier factors (table A8.AO)
regressionregression.holidayholregARIMA holiday factors (table A7)
regressionregression.levelshiftlsregARIMA level shift, temporary level shift and ramp outlier factors (table A8.LS)
regressionregression.outlierotlcombined regARIMA outlier factors (table A8)
regressionregression.regressionmatrixrmxvalues of regression variables with associated dates
regressionregression.regseasonala10regARIMA user-defined seasonal factors (table A10)
regressionregression.seasonaloutliersoregARIMA seasonal outlier factors (table A8.SO)
regressionregression.temporarychangetcregARIMA temporary change outlier factors (table A8.TC)
regressionregression.tradingdaytdregARIMA trading day factors (table A6)
regressionregression.transitorya13regARIMA transitory component factors from userdefined regressors (table A13)
regressionregression.userdefusrfactors from user-defined regression variables (table A9)
seatsseats.adjustfacs16final SEATS combined adjustment factors
seatsseats.adjustfacpctpsacombined adjustment factors, expressed as percentages if appropriate
seatsseats.adjustmentratios18final SEATS adjustment ratio
seatsseats.componentmodelsmdcmodels for the components
seatsseats.cyclecyccycle component
seatsseats.difforiginaldorfully differenced transformed original series
seatsseats.diffseasonaladjdsafully differenced transformed SEATS seasonal adjustment
seatsseats.difftrenddtrfully differenced transformed SEATS trend
seatsseats.filtersaconcfacconcurrent finite seasonal adjustment filter
seatsseats.filtersasymfafsymmetric finite seasonal adjustment filter
seatsseats.filtertrendconcftcconcurrent finite trend filter
seatsseats.filtertrendsymftfsymmetric finite trend filter
seatsseats.irregulars13final SEATS irregular component
seatsseats.irregularoutlieradjse3final SEATS irregular component, outlier adjusted
seatsseats.irregularpctpsifinal irregular component, expressed as percentages if appropriate
seatsseats.longtermtrendlttlong term trend
seatsseats.pseudoinnovsadjpiapseudo-innovations of the final SEATS seasonal adjustment
seatsseats.pseudoinnovseasonalpispseudo-innovations of the seasonal component
seatsseats.pseudoinnovtransitorypitpseudo-innovations of the transitory component
seatsseats.pseudoinnovtrendpicpseudo-innovations of the trend component
seatsseats.seasadjconstsecfinal SEATS seasonal adjustment with constant term included
seatsseats.seasonals10final SEATS seasonal component
seatsseats.seasonaladjs11final SEATS seasonal adjustment
seatsseats.seasonaladjfcstdecompafdforecast of the final SEATS seasonal adjustment
seatsseats.seasonaladjoutlieradjse2final SEATS seasonal adjustment, outlier adjusted
seatsseats.seasonaladjseasestandard error of final seasonally adjusted series
seatsseats.seasonalfcstdecompsfdforecast of the seasonal component
seatsseats.seasonalpctpssfinal seasonal factors, expressed as percentages if appropriate
seatsseats.seasonalsessestandard error of final steasonal component
seatsseats.seasonalsumssmseasonal-period-length sums of final SEATS seasonal component
seatsseats.seriesfcstdecompofdforecast of the series component
seatsseats.squaredgainsaconcgacsquared gain for finite concurrent seasonal adjustment filter
seatsseats.squaredgainsasymgafsquared gain for finite symmetric seasonal adjustment filter
seatsseats.squaredgaintrendconcgtcsquared gain for finite concurrent trend filter
seatsseats.squaredgaintrendsymgtfsquared gain for finite symmetric trend filter
seatsseats.timeshiftsaconctactime shift for finite concurrent seasonal adjustment filter
seatsseats.timeshifttrendconcttctime shift for finite concurrent trend filter
seatsseats.totaladjustmentstatotal adjustment factors for SEATS seasonal adjustment
seatsseats.transitorys14final SEATS transitory component
seatsseats.transitoryfcstdecompyfdforecast of the transitory component
seatsseats.transitorypctpscfinal transitory component, expressed as percentages if appropriate
seatsseats.transitorysecsestandard error of final transitory component
seatsseats.trends12final SEATS trend component
seatsseats.trendadjlsstllevel shift adjusted trend
seatsseats.trendconststcfinal SEATS trend component with constant term included
seatsseats.trendfcstdecomptfdforecast of the trend component
seatsseats.trendsetsestandard error of final trend component
seatsseats.wkendfilterwkfend filters of the semi-infinite Wiener-Kolmogorov filter
seriesseries.adjoriginalb1original series, adjusted for prior effects and forecast extended
seriesseries.calendaradjoriga18original series adjusted for regARIMA calendar effects
seriesseries.outlieradjoriga19original series adjusted for regARIMA outliers
seriesseries.seriesmvadjmvoriginal series with missing values replaced by regARIMA estimates
seriesseries.spana1time series data, with associated dates (if the span argument is present, data are printed and/or saved only for the specified span)
slidingspansslidingspans.chngspanschsmonth-to-month (or quarter-to-quarter) changes from all sliding spans
slidingspansslidingspans.indchngspanscisindirect month-to-month (or quarter-to-quarter) changes from all sliding spans
slidingspansslidingspans.indsaspansaisindirect seasonally adjusted series from all sliding spans
slidingspansslidingspans.indsfspanssisindirect seasonal factors from all sliding spans
slidingspansslidingspans.indychngspansyisindirect year-to-year changes from all sliding spans
slidingspansslidingspans.sfspanssfsseasonal factors from all sliding spans
slidingspansslidingspans.tdspanstdstrading day factors from all sliding spans
slidingspansslidingspans.ychngspansycsyear-to-year changes from all sliding spans
spectrumspectrum.speccompositeis0spectral plot of first-differenced aggregate series
spectrumspectrum.specextresidualsserspectrum of the extended residuals
spectrumspectrum.specindirris2spectral plot of outlier-modified irregular series from the indirect seasonal adjustment
spectrumspectrum.specindsais1spectral plot of the first-differenced indirect seasonally adjusted series
spectrumspectrum.specirrsp2spectral plot of outlier-modified X-11 irregular series
spectrumspectrum.specorigsp0spectral plot of the first-differenced original series
spectrumspectrum.specresidualsprspectral plot of the regARIMA model residuals
spectrumspectrum.specsasp1spectral plot of differenced, X-11 seasonally adjusted series (or of the logged seasonally adjusted series if mode = logadd or mode = mult)
spectrumspectrum.specseatsirrs2sspectrum of the final SEATS irregular
spectrumspectrum.specseatssas1sspectrum of the differenced final SEATS seasonal adjustment
spectrumspectrum.spectukeycompositeit0Tukey spectrum of the first-differenced aggregate series
spectrumspectrum.spectukeyextresidualsterTukey spectrum of the extended residuals
spectrumspectrum.spectukeyindirrit2Tukey spectrum of the outlier-modified irregular series from the indirect seasonal adjustment
spectrumspectrum.spectukeyindsait1Tukey spectrum of the first-differenced indirect seasonally adjusted series
spectrumspectrum.spectukeyirrst2Tukey spectrum of the outlier-modified X-11 irregular series
spectrumspectrum.spectukeyorigst0Tukey spectrum of the first-differenced original series
spectrumspectrum.spectukeyresidualstrTukey spectrum of the regARIMA model residuals
spectrumspectrum.spectukeysast1Tukey spectrum of the differenced, X-11 seasonally adjusted series (or of the logged seasonally adjusted series if mode = logadd or mode = mult)
spectrumspectrum.spectukeyseatsirrt2sTukey spectrum of the final SEATS irregular
spectrumspectrum.spectukeyseatssat1sTukey spectrum of the differenced final SEATS seasonal adjustment
transformtransform.permpriora2ppermanent prior adjustment factors, with associated dates
transformtransform.permprioradjusteda3pprior adjusted series using only permanent prior factors, with associated dates
transformtransform.permprioradjustedptda4pprior adjusted series using only permanent prior factors and prior trading day adjustments, with associated dates
transformtransform.priora2prior adjustment factors, with associated dates
transformtransform.prioradjusteda3prior adjusted series, with associated dates
transformtransform.prioradjustedptda4dprior adjusted series (including prior trading day adjustments), with associated dates
transformtransform.seriesconstanta1coriginal series with value from the constant argument added to the series
transformtransform.temppriora2ttemporary prior adjustment factors, with associated dates
transformtransform.transformedtrnprior adjusted and transformed data, with associated dates
x11x11.adjoriginalcc1original series modified for outliers, trading day and prior factors, C iteration
x11x11.adjoriginaldd1original series modified for outliers, trading day and prior factors, D iteration
x11x11.adjustdifffadfinal adjustment difference (only for pseudo-additive seasonal adjustment)
x11x11.adjustfacd16combined seasonal and trading day factors
x11x11.adjustfacpctpafcombined adjustment factors, expressed as percentages if appropriate
x11x11.adjustmentratioe18final adjustment ratios (original series/seasonally adjusted series)
x11x11.biasfactorbcfbias correction factors
x11x11.calendard18combined holiday and trading day factors
x11x11.calendaradjchangese8percent changes (differences) in original series adjusted for calendar effects
x11x11.calendaradjchangespctpe8percent changes in original series adjusted for calendar factors
x11x11.combholidaychlcombined holiday prior adjustment factors, A16 table
x11x11.extremec20extreme values, C iteration
x11x11.extremebb20extreme values, B iteration
x11x11.irregulard13final irregular component
x11x11.irregularadjaoirafinal irregular component adjusted for point outliers
x11x11.irregularbb13irregular component, B iteration
x11x11.irregularcc13irregular component, C iteration
x11x11.irregularpctpirfinal irregular component, expressed as percentages if appropriate
x11x11.irrwtc17final weights for the irregular component
x11x11.irrwtbb17preliminary weights for the irregular component
x11x11.mcdmovavgf1MCD moving average of the final seasonally adjusted series
x11x11.modirregulare3irregular component modified for zero-weighted extreme values
x11x11.modoriginale1original series modified for zero-weighted extreme values
x11x11.modseasadje2seasonally adjusted series modified for zero-weighted extreme values
x11x11.modsic4c4modified SI-ratios (differences), C iteration
x11x11.modsid4d4modified SI-ratios (differences), D iteration
x11x11.origchangese5percent changes (differences) in original series
x11x11.origchangespctpe5percent changes in the original series
x11x11.replacsid9final replacement values for extreme SI-ratios (differences), D iteration
x11x11.replacsic9c9modified SI-ratios (differences), C iteration
x11x11.robustsae11robust final seasonally adjusted series
x11x11.sachangese6percent changes (differences) in seasonally adjusted series
x11x11.sachangespctpe6percent changes in seasonally adjusted series
x11x11.seasadjd11final seasonally adjusted series
x11x11.seasadjb11b11seasonally adjusted series, B iteration
x11x11.seasadjb6b6preliminary seasonally adjusted series, B iteration
x11x11.seasadjc11c11seasonally adjusted series, C iteration
x11x11.seasadjc6c6preliminary seasonally adjusted series, C iteration
x11x11.seasadjconstsacfinal seasonally adjusted series with constant from transform spec included
x11x11.seasadjd6d6preliminary seasonally adjusted series, D iteration
x11x11.seasonald10final seasonal factors
x11x11.seasonaladjregseaarsseasonal factors adjusted for user-defined seasonal regARIMA component
x11x11.seasonalb10b10seasonal factors, B iteration
x11x11.seasonalb5b5preliminary seasonal factors, B iteration
x11x11.seasonalc10c10preliminary seasonal factors, C iteration
x11x11.seasonalc5c5preliminary seasonal factors, C iteration
x11x11.seasonald5d5preliminary seasonal factors, D iteration
x11x11.seasonaldifffsdfinal seasonal difference (only for pseudo-additive seasonal adjustment)
x11x11.seasonalpctpsffinal seasonal factors, expressed as percentages if appropriate
x11x11.sib3b3preliminary unmodified SI-ratios (differences)
x11x11.sib8b8unmodified SI-ratios (differences)
x11x11.tdadjorigc19original series adjusted for final trading day
x11x11.tdadjorigbb19original series adjusted for preliminary trading day
x11x11.totaladjustmenttadtotal adjustment factors (only printed out if the original series contains values that are <= 0)
x11x11.trendd12final trend-cycle
x11x11.trendadjlstalfinal trend-cycle adjusted for level shift outliers
x11x11.trendb2b2preliminary trend-cycle, B iteration
x11x11.trendb7b7preliminary trend-cycle, B iteration
x11x11.trendc2c2preliminary trend-cycle, C iteration
x11x11.trendc7c7preliminary trend-cycle, C iteration
x11x11.trendchangese7percent changes (differences) in final trend component series
x11x11.trendchangespctpe7percent changes in final trend cycle
x11x11.trendconsttacfinal trend component with constant from transform spec included
x11x11.trendd2d2preliminary trend-cycle, D iteration
x11x11.trendd7d7preliminary trend-cycle, D iteration
x11x11.unmodsid8final unmodified SI-ratios (differences)
x11x11.unmodsioxd8bfinal unmodified SI-ratios, with labels for outliers and extreme values
x11x11.yrtotalse4ratio of yearly totals of original and seasonally adjusted series
x11regressionx11regression.calendarxcafinal calendar factors (trading day and holiday)
x11regressionx11regression.calendarbbxcpreliminary calendar factors
x11regressionx11regression.combcalendarxccfinal calendar factors from combined daily weights
x11regressionx11regression.combcalendarbbccpreliminary calendar factors from combined daily weights
x11regressionx11regression.combtradingdayc18final trading day factors from combined daily weights
x11regressionx11regression.combtradingdaybb18preliminary trading day factors from combined daily weights
x11regressionx11regression.extremevalc14irregulars excluded from the irregular regression, C iteration
x11regressionx11regression.extremevalbb14irregulars excluded from the irregular regression, B iteration
x11regressionx11regression.holidayxhlfinal holiday factors
x11regressionx11regression.holidaybbxhpreliminary holiday factors
x11regressionx11regression.outlieriterxoidetailed results for each iteration of outlier detection including outliers detected, outliers deleted, model parameter estimates, and robust and non-robust estimates of the residual standard deviation
x11regressionx11regression.priortda4prior trading day weights and factors
x11regressionx11regression.tradingdayc16final trading day factors and weights
x11regressionx11regression.tradingdaybb16preliminary trading day factors and weights
x11regressionx11regression.x11regc15final irregular regression coefficients and diagnostics
x11regressionx11regression.x11regbb15preliminary irregular regression coefficients and diagnostics
x11regressionx11regression.xregressioncmatrixxrccorrelation matrix of irregular regression parameter estimates if used with the print argument; covariance matrix of same if used with the save argument
x11regressionx11regression.xregressionmatrixxrmvalues of irregular regression variables with associated dates


m <- seas(AirPassengers) series(m, "fct") # re-evaluate with the forecast spec activated # more than one series series(m, c("rsd", "fct")) m <- seas(AirPassengers, = "fct") series(m, "fct") # no re-evaluation (much faster!) # using long names series(m, "forecast.forecasts") # history spec series(m, "history.trendestimates") series(m, "history.sfestimates") series(m, "history.saestimates") series(m, c("history.sfestimates", "history.trendestimates")) # slidingspans spec series(m, "slidingspans.sfspans") series(m, "slidingspans.ychngspans") # fundamental identities of seasonal adjustment # Y = T * I * (S * TD) all.equal(AirPassengers, series(m, "seats.trend") * series(m, "seats.irregular") * series(m, "seats.adjustfac")) # Y_sa = Y / (S * TD) all.equal(final(m), AirPassengers / series(m, "seats.adjustfac")) ### Some X-13ARIMA-SEATS functions can be replicated in R: # X-13ARIMA-SEATS spectrum plot(series(m, "spectrum.specorig")[,-1], t = "l") # R equivalent: spectrum from stats spectrum(diff(log(AirPassengers)), method = "ar") # X-13ARIMA-SEATS pacf x13.pacf <- series(m, "identify.pacf") plot(x13.pacf[,1], t = "h") lines(x13.pacf[,2]) lines(-x13.pacf[,2]) # R equivalent: pacf from stats pacf(AirPassengers, lag.max = 35) # use with composite (see vignette("multiple", "seasonal")) m_composite <- seas( cbind(mdeaths, fdeaths), composite = list(), series.comptype = "add" ) series(m_composite, "composite.indseasadj")


Vignette with a more detailed description:

Comprehensive list of R examples from the X-13ARIMA-SEATS manual:

Official X-13ARIMA-SEATS manual:

See Also

seas() for the main function.

  • Maintainer: Christoph Sax
  • License: GPL-3
  • Last published: 2024-10-19