Genotype Probabilities in Intermediate Generations of Inbreeding Through Selfing
Builds the probability tree
Evaluates the genotype probability
Extracts conditional genotype probabilities
Generates a sub-tree
Obtain all possible genotypes that match a certain target configuratio...
Probability of observing the target haplotype given the parental genot...
Multiplies conditional probabilities along all branches of the tree
Genotype Probabilities in Intermediate Generations of Inbreeding Throu...
A probability tree allows to compute probabilities of complex events, such as genotype probabilities in intermediate generations of inbreeding through recurrent self-fertilization (selfing). This package implements functionality to compute probability trees for two- and three-marker genotypes in the F2 to F7 selfing generations. The conditional probabilities are derived automatically and in symbolic form. The package also provides functionality to extract and evaluate the relevant probabilities.