regression.check_recipe_func function

Check regression.recipe_func

Check regression.recipe_func

Check that regression.recipe_func is a function that returns the RHS of the formula for arbitrary feature name inputs.

regression.check_recipe_func(regression.recipe_func, x_explain)


  • regression.recipe_func: Either NULL (default) or a function that that takes in a recipes::recipe()

    object and returns a modified recipes::recipe() with potentially additional recipe steps. See the regression vignette for several examples. Note, to make it easier to call explain() from Python, the regression.recipe_func can also be a string containing an R function. For example, "function(recipe) return(recipes::step_ns(recipe,recipes::all_numeric_predictors(), deg_free = 2))" is also a valid input. It is essential to include the package prefix if the package is not loaded.

  • x_explain: Data.table with the features of the observation whose predictions ought to be explained (test data).


Lars Henry Berge Olsen