sample_ctree function

Sample ctree variables from a given conditional inference tree

Sample ctree variables from a given conditional inference tree

sample_ctree(tree, n_MC_samples, x_explain, x_train, n_features, sample)


  • tree: List. Contains tree which is an object of type ctree built from the party package. Also contains given_ind, the features to condition upon.
  • n_MC_samples: Scalar integer. Corresponds to the number of samples from the leaf node. See an exception when sample = FALSE in setup_approach.ctree().
  • x_explain: Data.table with the features of the observation whose predictions ought to be explained (test data).
  • x_train: Data.table with training data.
  • n_features: Positive integer. The number of features.


data.table with n_MC_samples (conditional) Gaussian samples


See the documentation of the setup_approach.ctree() function for undocumented parameters.


Annabelle Redelmeier