vaeac_get_save_file_names function

Function that creates the save file names for the vaeac model

Function that creates the save file names for the vaeac model

vaeac_get_save_file_names( model_description, n_features, n_train, depth, width, latent_dim, lr, epochs, save_every_nth_epoch, folder_to_save_model = NULL )


  • model_description: String (default is make.names(Sys.time())). String containing, e.g., the name of the data distribution or additional parameter information. Used in the save name of the fitted model. If not provided, then a name will be generated based on base::Sys.time() to ensure a unique name. We use base::make.names() to ensure a valid file name for all operating systems.
  • depth: Positive integer (default is 3). The number of hidden layers in the neural networks of the masked encoder, full encoder, and decoder.
  • width: Positive integer (default is 32). The number of neurons in each hidden layer in the neural networks of the masked encoder, full encoder, and decoder.
  • latent_dim: Positive integer (default is 8). The number of dimensions in the latent space.
  • lr: Positive numeric (default is 0.001). The learning rate used in the torch::optim_adam() optimizer.
  • epochs: Positive integer (default is 100). The number of epochs to train the final vaeac model. This includes epochs_initiation_phase, where the default is 2.
  • save_every_nth_epoch: Positive integer (default is NULL). If provided, then the vaeac model after every save_every_nth_epochth epoch will be saved.
  • folder_to_save_model: String (default is base::tempdir()). String specifying a path to a folder where the function is to save the fitted vaeac model. Note that the path will be removed from the returned explain() object if vaeac.save_model = FALSE.


Array of string containing the save files to use when training the vaeac model. The first three names corresponds to the best, best_running, and last epochs, in that order.


Lars Henry Berge Olsen