Web Application Framework for R
Invoke a Shiny module
Checkbox Group Input Control
Checkbox Input Control
Make an object respond only to specified reactive events
Shiny Developer Mode
Freeze a reactive value
Panel with absolute positioning
Action button/link
Apply input handlers to raw input values
Add caching with reactivity to an object
Create a button for bookmarking/sharing
Bootstrap libraries
Create a Bootstrap page
Find rows of data selected on an interactive plot.
Create an object representing brushing options
Customize busy indicator options
Control interactive plot point events
Create a column within a UI definition
Conditional Panel
Implement custom render functions
Create a web dependency
Create date input
Create date range input
Slow down a reactive expression with debounce/throttle
Create disk cache (deprecated)
Reactive domains
Create a download button or link
File Downloads
Enable bookmarking for a Shiny application
Register expressions for export in test mode
Convert an expression to a function
Task or computation that proceeds in the background
File Upload Control
Create a page that fills the window
Flex Box-based row/column layouts
Create a page with a fixed layout
Flow layout
Create a page with fluid layout
Get output information
Obtain Shiny's Bootstrap Sass theme
Get the query string / hash component from the URL
Create a header panel
Create a help text element
Create an HTML output element
Create an HTTP response object
Create an icon
Input panel
Dynamically insert/remove a tabPanel
Insert and remove UI objects
Scheduled Invalidation
Checks whether an object is a reactivevalues object
Add callbacks for Shiny session bookmarking events
Create a non-reactive scope for an expression
Check whether a Shiny application is running
Truthy and falsy values
Knitr S3 methods
Load an app's supporting R files
Make a reactive variable
Add callbacks for Shiny session events
Insert inline Markdown
Mark a render function with attributes that will be used by the output
Mark a function as a render function
Evaluate an expression without a reactive context
Create memory cache (deprecated)
Mock Shiny Session
Create a modal dialog UI
Shiny modules
Create a page with a top level navigation bar
Create a navigation list panel
Namespaced IDs for inputs/outputs
Create a numeric input control
Create a reactive observer
Event handler
Run code after an application or session ends
Set options for an output object.
Create a page with a sidebar
Parse a GET query string from a URL
Create a password input control
Create an plot or image output element
Restore an input value
Run Shiny Application
Capture a plot as a PNG file.
Reporting progress (object-oriented API)
Create radio buttons
Create a reactive expression
Activate reactivity in the console
Reactive file reader
Reactive polling
Create a (single) reactive value
Create an object for storing reactive values
Convert a reactivevalues object to a list
Change the value of a number input on the client
Reactive Log Visualizer
Objects exported from other packages
Register an Input Handler
Register a theme dependency
Deregister an Input Handler
Plot output with cached images
Table output with the JavaScript DataTables library
Image file output
Plot Output
Text Output
Table Output
UI Output
Make a random number generator repeatable
Check for required values
Resource Publishing
Run Shiny Example Applications
Run a gadget
Runs the tests associated with this Shiny app
Run a Shiny application from a URL
Load the MathJax library and typeset math expressions
Reporting progress (functional API)
Declare an error safe for the user to see
Create a select list input control
Collect information about the Shiny Server environment
Session object
Exclude inputs from bookmarking
Add a function for serializing an input before bookmarking application...
Web Application Framework for R
Shiny App object
Create a Shiny app object
Generate a Shiny application from a template
Print message for deprecated functions in Shiny
Get or set Shiny options
Define Server Functionality
Create a Shiny UI handler
Display a modal dialog for bookmarking
Show or remove a modal dialog
Show or remove a notification
Dynamically hide/show a tabPanel
Layout a sidebar and main area
Create a sizing function that grows at a given ratio
Slider Input Widget
Mark an output to be excluded from test snapshots
Add a function for preprocessing an input before taking a test snapsho...
Add a function for preprocessing an output before taking a test snapsh...
Split layout
Stack trace manipulation functions
Stop the currently running Shiny app
Create a submit button
Create a tab panel
Create a tabset panel
Reactive testing for Shiny server functions and modules
Create a textarea input control
Create a text input control
Create a text output element
Create a panel containing an application title.
Change the label or icon of an action button on the client
Change the value of a checkbox group input on the client
Change the value of a checkbox input on the client
Change the value of a date input on the client
Change the start and end values of a date range input on the client
Update URL in browser's location bar
Change the value of a radio input on the client
Change the value of a select input on the client
Update Slider Input Widget
Change the selected tab on the client
Change the value of a textarea input on the client
Change the value of a text input on the client
Generate a modal dialog that displays a URL
Enable/disable busy indication
Validate input values and other conditions
Select variables from a data frame
Lay out UI elements vertically
Viewer options
Create a well panel
Makes it incredibly easy to build interactive web applications with R. Automatic "reactive" binding between inputs and outputs and extensive prebuilt widgets make it possible to build beautiful, responsive, and powerful applications with minimal effort.
Useful links