Convert a 'SpatialLinesDataFrame' -Class Object to an 'igraph'-Class Object
Degree (In-degree and Out-degree) of nodes
Orientate all the edges in a given edgelist
A designed structure to denote edges from a spatial network
Simplify multiple edges in a network
Produce an igraph object
A designed structure to denote nodes from a spatial network
Return the coordinates of nodes in a nodelist
Check the connectivity of a given network
Amalgamate edges connected by a pseudo-node
Integrate a point data set into a network
Visualize the integration between a point data set and spatila network
Read a network from a SpatialLines or SpatialLinesDataFrame object
A collection of functions for redefining attributes of edited edges
Extract self-loops form given network
Functions for converting and processing network data from a 'SpatialLinesDataFrame' -Class object to an 'igraph'-Class object.