Simulate and Plot Estimates from Cox Proportional Hazards Models
Convert a coxsim class object into a data frame
Simulate quantities of interest for linear multiplicative interactions...
Simulate quantities of interest for covariates from Cox Proportional H...
Simulate quantities of interest for a range of values for a polynomial...
Simulate quantities of interest for penalized splines from Cox Proport...
Simulate time-interactive quantities of interest from Cox Proportional...
Graph fitted stratified survival curves from Cox Proportional Hazards ...
Transform the simulation object to include only the min and max of the...
Create a sequence of Xl values
A method for plotting simulation objects created by simPH
Plot simulated linear multiplicative interactions from Cox Proportiona...
Plot simulated linear, non-time interacted quantities of interest from...
Plot simulated polynomial quantities of interest from Cox Proportional...
Plot simulated penalised spline hazards from Cox Proportional Hazards ...
Plot simulated time-interactive hazard ratios or stratified time-inter...
An R package for simulating and plotting quantities of interest from C...
Convert a data frame of non-equal interval continuous observations int...
Create a time interaction variable
Simulates and plots quantities of interest (relative hazards, first differences, and hazard ratios) for linear coefficients, multiplicative interactions, polynomials, penalised splines, and non-proportional hazards, as well as stratified survival curves from Cox Proportional Hazard models. It also simulates and plots marginal effects for multiplicative interactions. Methods described in Gandrud (2015) <doi:10.18637/jss.v065.i03>.
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