Simulation of Complex Synthetic Data Information
Whipple index (original and modified)
add known margins/totals
Methods for function addWeights
Calibration of 0/1 weights by Simulated Annealing
Calibrate sample weights
Construct a matrix of binary variables for calibration
Weighted contingency coefficients
Correct age heaping
Simulate variables of population data by cross validation
Class "dataObj"
Extract and modify variables from population or sample data stored in ...
Compute break points for categorizing (semi-)continuous variables
Categorize (semi-)continuous variables
iterative proportional updating
get and set variables from population or sample data stored in an obje...
Weighted sample quantiles
Sample households from given microdata.
Utility functions for socio-economic data sets
Utility functions for EU-SILC data
Simulate categorical variables of population data
Simulate components of continuous variables of population data
Simulate continuous variables of population data
Simulate EU-SILC population data
Generation of smaller regions given an existing spatial variable and a...
Simple generation of new variables
Simulation of Synthetic Populations for Survey Data Considering Auxili...
Class "simPopObj"
Simulate categorical variables of population data
Simulate the household structure of population data
Weighted box plots
Weighted box plot statistics
(Weighted empirical) cumulative distribution function
Plot weighted cumulative distribution functions
create an object of class 'dataObj' required for further processing
Mosaic plots of expected and realized population sizes
Sprague index (multipliers)
Cross tabulations of expected and realized population sizes.
Weighted cross tabulation
Utility measures
Weighted mean, variance, covariance matrix and correlation matrix
Tools and methods to simulate populations for surveys based on auxiliary data. The tools include model-based methods, calibration and combinatorial optimization algorithms, see Templ, Kowarik and Meindl (2017) <doi:10.18637/jss.v079.i10>) and Templ (2017) <doi:10.1007/978-3-319-50272-4>. The package was developed with support of the International Household Survey Network, DFID Trust Fund TF011722 and funds from the World bank.