Simulate Models Based on the Generalized Linear Model
Parses tidy formula simulation syntax
Tidy error simulation
Tidy fixed effect formula simulation
Tidy heterogeneity of variance simulation
Simulate knot locations
Compute Power, Type I Error, or Precision Statistics
Correlate elements
Computes mixture normal variance
Extract Coefficients
Tidy Missing Data Function
Simulate response variable
Tidy random effect formula simulation
Transform response variable
Missing Data Functions
Tidy Model Fitting Function
Parse correlation arguments
Parse Cross-classified Random Effects
Parse power specifications
Parses random effect specification
Parse varying arguments
Simulating mixture normal distributions
Replicate Simulation
Run Shiny Application Demo
Simulate continuous variables
Simulate categorical, factor, or discrete variables
Simulate Time
simglm: A package to simulate and perform power by simulation for mode...
Simulates regression models, including both simple regression and generalized linear mixed models with up to three level of nesting. Power simulations that are flexible allowing the specification of missing data, unbalanced designs, and different random error distributions are built into the package.