hist.simpleboot function

Histograms for bootstrap sampling distributions.

Histograms for bootstrap sampling distributions.

Construct a histogram of the bootstrap distribution of univariate statistic.

## S3 method for class 'simpleboot' hist(x, do.rug = FALSE, xlab = "Bootstrap samples", main = "", ...)


  • x: An object of class "simpleboot" returned from either one.boot, two.boot, or pairs.boot.
  • do.rug: Should a rug of the bootstrap distribution be plotted under the histogram?
  • xlab: The label for the x-axis.
  • main: The title for the histogram.
  • ...: Other arguments passed to hist.


Nothing is returned.


hist constructs a histogram for the bootstrap distribution of a univariate statistic. It cannot be used with linear model or loess bootstraps. In the histogram a red dotted line is plotted denoting the observed value of the statistic.


Roger D. Peng


x <- rnorm(100) ## Bootstrap the 75th percentile b <- one.boot(x, quantile, R = 1000, probs = 0.75) hist(b)