lm.boot.methods function

Methods for linear model bootstrap.

Methods for linear model bootstrap.

Methods for "lm.simpleboot" class objects.

## S3 method for class 'lm.simpleboot' summary(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'summary.lm.simpleboot' print(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'lm.simpleboot' fitted(object, ...)


  • object: An object of class "lm.simpleboot", as returned by lm.boot.
  • x: An object of class "summary.lm.simpleboot", a result of a call to summary.lm.simpleboot.
  • ...: Other arguments passed to and from other methods.


print is essentially the same as the usual printing of a linear model fit, except the bootstrap standard errors are printed for each model coefficient.

fitted returns the fitted values from each bootstrap sample for the predictor values specified by the new.xpts in lm.boot (or from the grid if new.xpts

was not specified). This is a p x R matrix where p is the number of points where prediction was desired and R is the number of bootstrap samples specified. Using fitted is the equivalent of using samples(object, name = "fitted").


summary returns a list containing the original estimated coefficients and their bootstrap standard errors.

See Also



data(airquality) attach(airquality) lmodel <- lm(Ozone ~ Wind + Solar.R) lboot <- lm.boot(lmodel, R = 300) summary(lboot)


Roger D. Peng