sits_cluster_dendro function

Find clusters in time series samples

Find clusters in time series samples

These functions support hierarchical agglomerative clustering in sits. They provide support from creating a dendrogram and using it for cleaning samples.

link[sits]{sits_cluster_dendro()} takes a tibble with time series and produces a sits tibble with an added "cluster" column. The function first calculates a dendrogram and obtains a validity index for best clustering using the adjusted Rand Index. After cutting the dendrogram using the chosen validity index, it assigns a cluster to each sample.

link[sits]{sits_cluster_frequency()} computes the contingency table between labels and clusters and produces a matrix. Its input is a tibble produced by link[sits]{sits_cluster_dendro()}.

link[sits]{sits_cluster_clean()} takes a tibble with time series that has an additional cluster produced by link[sits]{sits_cluster_dendro()}

and removes labels that are minority in each cluster.

sits_cluster_dendro( samples, bands = NULL, dist_method = "dtw_basic", linkage = "ward.D2", k = NULL, palette = "RdYlGn", ... )


  • samples: Tibble with input set of time series (class "sits").
  • bands: Bands to be used in the clustering (character vector)
  • dist_method: One of the supported distances (single char vector) "dtw": DTW with a Sakoe-Chiba constraint. "dtw2": DTW with L2 norm and Sakoe-Chiba constraint. "dtw_basic": A faster DTW with less functionality. "lbk": Keogh's lower bound for DTW. "lbi": Lemire's lower bound for DTW.
  • linkage: Agglomeration method to be used (single char vector) One of "ward.D", "ward.D2", "single", "complete", "average", "mcquitty", "median" or "centroid".
  • k: Desired number of clusters (overrides default value)
  • palette: Color palette as per grDevices::hcl.pals() function.
  • ...: Additional parameters to be passed to dtwclust::tsclust() function.


Tibble with "cluster" column (class "sits_cluster").


Please refer to the sits documentation available in for detailed examples.


if (sits_run_examples()) { # default clusters <- sits_cluster_dendro(cerrado_2classes) # with parameters clusters <- sits_cluster_dendro(cerrado_2classes, bands = "NDVI", k = 5) }


"dtwclust" package (


Rolf Simoes,