Wrapper Functions Around 'Sleeper' (Fantasy Sports) API
Gather NFL Player Data
Display Avatar
Gather Draft Pick Trades
Gather Draft Picks
Gather Draft Information
Gather League Draft Information
Gather User Data for League
Gather League Data
Gather Loser Playoff Bracket
Generate Main Data
Gather Matchup Data in a League for a Week
Gather Roster Data for League
Gather Sport State
Gather League Trades
Gather League Transactions for Specific Round
Gather Trending Player Information
Gather User Draft Information
Gather Leagues for User
Gather User Data
Gather All Weekly Matchup Data Available for League
Gather Winner Playoff Bracket
Generate NFL Player Information for Plotting
Plot League Dashboard
Plot League Information Table
Plot League Streaks Table
Plot NFL Player Information in Table
Plot NFL Player High School State Information
Plot NFL Player College Information
Plot Regular Season League Rankings
Plot Trending NFL Player Information in Table
Plot Trending NFL Player Information
Plot User Fantasy Points Against
Plot User Fantasy Points Differential
Plot User Fantasy Points For
Plot User Waiver Budget
Plot User Weekly Matchups
Plot User Weekly Players
For those wishing to interact with the 'Sleeper' (Fantasy Sports) API (<https://docs.sleeper.com/>) without looking too much into its documentation (found at <https://docs.sleeper.com/>), this package offers wrapper functions around the available API calls to make it easier.