nsamples function

Number of samples

Number of samples

Count number of samples

nsamples(r = r, groups = NULL, operator = "prd", hard.operator)


  • r: reference class labels with samples in rows.
  • groups: grouping variable for the averaging by rowsum. If NULL, all samples (rows) are averaged.
  • operator: the operator to be used
  • hard.operator: optional: a logical determining whether only hard samples should be counted


number of samples in each group (rows) for each class (columns) and all further dimensions of ref.


Basically, the reference is summed up. For hard operators, the reference is hardened first: soft values, i.e. r in (0, 1) are set to NA.


ref <- softclassval:::ref ref nsamples (ref) nsamples (ref, hard.operator = TRUE)


Claudia Beleites