get_SDA_hydric function

Get map unit hydric soils information from Soil Data Access

Get map unit hydric soils information from Soil Data Access

Assess the hydric soils composition of a map unit.

get_SDA_hydric( areasymbols = NULL, mukeys = NULL, WHERE = NULL, method = "MAPUNIT", include_minors = TRUE, miscellaneous_areas = TRUE, query_string = FALSE, dsn = NULL )


  • areasymbols: vector of soil survey area symbols
  • mukeys: vector of map unit keys
  • WHERE: character containing SQL WHERE clause specified in terms of fields in legend, mapunit, or component tables, used in lieu of mukeys or areasymbols
  • method: One of: "Mapunit", "Dominant Component", "Dominant Condition", "None"
  • include_minors: logical. Include minor components? Default: TRUE.
  • miscellaneous_areas: logical. Include miscellaneous areas (non-soil components) in results? Default: TRUE.
  • query_string: Default: FALSE; if TRUE return a character string containing query that would be sent to SDA via SDA_query()
  • dsn: Path to local SQLite database or a DBIConnection object. If NULL (default) use Soil Data Access API via SDA_query().


a data.frame


The default classes for method="MAPUNIT" are as follows:

  • 'Nonhydric' - no hydric components
  • 'Hydric' - all hydric components
  • 'Predominantly Hydric' - hydric component percentage is 50% or more
  • 'Partially Hydric' - one or more of the major components is hydric
  • 'Predominantly Nonhydric' - hydric component percentage is less than 50%

The default result will also include the following summaries of component percentages: total_comppct, hydric_majors and hydric_inclusions.

Default method "Mapunit" produces aggregate summaries of all components in the mapunit. Use "Dominant Component" and "Dominant Condition" to get the dominant component (highest percentage) or dominant hydric condition (similar conditions aggregated across components), respectively. Use "None" for no aggregation (one record per component).


Jason Nemecek, Chad Ferguson, Andrew Brown