Radiation and Photovoltaic Systems
Markov Transition Matrices for the Aguiar etal. procedure
Methods for Function as.data.frameD
Methods for Function as.data.frameI
Methods for Function as.data.frameM
Methods for Function as.data.frameY
Methods for Function as.zooD
Methods for Function as.zooI
Methods for Function as.zooM
Methods for Function as.zooY
Irradiation and irradiance on the horizontal plane.
Irradiation and irradiance on the generator plane.
Shadows on PV systems.
Apparent movement of the Sun from the Earth
Compare G0, Gef and ProdGCPV objects
Losses of a GCPV system
Correlations between the fraction of diffuse irradiation and the clear...
Defunct functions in package solaR
Daily time base
Components of daily global solar irradiation on a horizontal surface
Calculation of solar irradiance on a horizontal surface
Solar irradiance on an inclined surface
Performance of a PV system
Performance of a centrifugal pump
Daily apparent movement of the Sun from the Earth
Instantaneous apparent movement of the Sun from the Earth
Shadows on PV systems
Intradaily evolution of ambient temperature
Angle of incidence of solar irradiation on a inclined surface
Class "G0": irradiation and irradiance on the horizontal plane.
Class "Gef": irradiation and irradiance on the generator plane.
Methods for function getData
Methods for function getG0
Methods for Function getLat
H-Q curves of a centrifugal pump
Methods for Function indexD
Methods for Function indexI
Methods for Function indexRep
Methods for function levelplot.
Local time, mean solar time and UTC time zone.
Merge solaR objects
Class "Meteo"
Nomogram of a photovoltaic pumping system
Shadows calculation for a set of distances between elements of a PV gr...
Methods for Function shadeplot
Productivity of a set of PV systems of a PV plant.
Class "ProdGCPV": performance of a grid connected PV system.
Performance of a grid connected PV system.
Class "ProdPVPS": performance of a PV pumping system.
Performance of a PV pumping system
Daily or intradaily values of global horizontal irradiation and ambien...
Monthly mean values of global horizontal irradiation.
Small utilities for difftime objects.
Class "Shade": shadows in a PV system.
Class "Sol": Apparent movement of the Sun from the Earth
Solar Radiation and Photovoltaic Systems with R
solaR theme
Utilities for time indexes.
Conversion between angle units.
Methods for extracting a time window
Exporter of solaR results
Methods for function xyplot in Package `solaR'
Calculation methods of solar radiation and performance of photovoltaic systems from daily and intradaily irradiation data sources.