Bayesian Variable Selection and Model Choice for Generalized Additive Mixed Models
Get summaries of the posterior (predictive) distribution of the linear...
Generate design for a factor covariate
Get the posterior distribution of the linear predictor of a model term
Generate orthogonal polynomial base for a numeric covariate without in...
Generate design for a 2-D Gaussian Markov Random Field
Generates graphical summaries of a fitted model
Plot the estimated effect of a model term.
Obtain posterior predictive/credible intervals from a spike-and-slab m...
Print summary for posterior of a spikeSlabGAM
Generate design for a random intercept
Generate a reparameterized P-spline base
Set up and sample a spike-and-slab prior model.
Generate posterior samples for a GAMM with spike-and-slab priors
Generate design for penalized surface estimation.
Convert samples from a model fitted with spikeSlabGAM
into a bugs
Generate design and model information for spikeSlabGAM
Summary for posterior of a spikeSlabGAM
Generate design for an always included covariate
Bayesian variable selection, model choice, and regularized estimation for (spatial) generalized additive mixed regression models via stochastic search variable selection with spike-and-slab priors.