localmean_weight function

Internal Function: Local Mean Variance Neighbors and Weights

Internal Function: Local Mean Variance Neighbors and Weights

This function calculates the index values of neighboring points and associated weights required by the local mean variance estimator.

localmean_weight(x, y, prb, nbh = 4)


  • x: Vector of x-coordinates for location of the sample points.
  • y: Vector of y-coordinates for location of the sample points.
  • prb: Vector of inclusion probabilities for the sample points.
  • nbh: Number of neighboring points to use in the calculations.


If ginv fails to return valid output, a NULL object. Otherwise, a list containing two elements: a matrix named ij composed of the index values of neighboring points and a vector named gwt

composed of weights.


Tom Kincaid Kincaid.Tom@epa.gov