'dplyr'-Like Syntax for Summary Statistics of Survey Data
srvyr: A package for 'dplyr'-Like Syntax for Summary Statistics of Sur...
Manipulate multiple columns.
Summarise multiple values to a single value.
Create a srvyr results data.frame which is automatically unpacked by s...
Create a tbl_svy survey object using sampling design
Create a tbl_svy survey object using replicate weights
Create a tbl_svy survey object using two phase design
Create a tbl_svy from a data.frame
Coerce survey variables to a data frame (tibble)
Summarise multiple values into cascading groups
Force computation of a database query
Get the full-sample weights for the current context
Get the survey data for the current context
Filtering joins from dplyr
Single table verbs from dplyr and tidyr
Get the variance estimates for a survey estimate
Group a (survey) dataset by one or more variables.
Apply a function to each group
Get/set the grouping variables for tbl.
Create interaction terms to group by when summarizing
Pipe operator
Objects exported from other packages
Tidy eval helpers from rlang
Set the variables for the current survey variable
srvyr interaction column
Deprecated SE versions of main srvyr verbs
Calculate correlation and its variation using survey methods
Calculate mean/proportion and its variation using survey methods
Calculate the quantile and its variation using survey methods
Calculate the quantile and its variation using survey methods
Calculate the ratio and its variation using survey methods
Count/tally survey weighted observations by group
Calculate the total and its variation using survey methods
Calculate the population variance and its variation using survey metho...
Chisquared tests of association for survey data.
tbl_svy object.
List variables produced by a tbl.
Break interaction vectors back into component columns
Calculate the an unweighted summary statistic from a survey
Use piping, verbs like 'group_by' and 'summarize', and other 'dplyr' inspired syntactic style when calculating summary statistics on survey data using functions from the 'survey' package.
Useful links