Plot structural shock time series of a STVAR model
plots structural shock time series of a structural STVAR model. For reduced form models (not identified by non-Gaussianity), recursive identification is assumed.
: object of class "stvar"
No return value, called for its side effect of plotting the structural shock time series.
Plot the time series of the structural shocks of a structural STVAR model.
## Gaussian STVAR p=1, M=2 model, with weighted relative stationary densities
# of the regimes as the transition weight function:
theta_122relg <- c(0.734054, 0.225598, 0.705744, 0.187897, 0.259626, -0.000863,
-0.3124, 0.505251, 0.298483, 0.030096, -0.176925, 0.838898, 0.310863, 0.007512,
0.018244, 0.949533, -0.016941, 0.121403, 0.573269)
mod122 <- STVAR(data=gdpdef, p=1, M=2, params=theta_122relg)
# Plot the times series structural shocks assuming recursive identification:
- Anderson H., Vahid F. 1998. Testing multiple equation systems for common nonlinear components. Journal of Econometrics, 84 :1, 1-36.
- Hansen B.E. 1994. Autoregressive Conditional Density estimation. Journal of Econometrics, 35 :3, 705-730.
- Kheifets I.L., Saikkonen P.J. 2020. Stationarity and ergodicity of Vector STAR models. International Economic Review, 35 :3, 407-414.
- Lanne M., Virolainen S. 2025. A Gaussian smooth transition vector autoregressive model: An application to the macroeconomic effects of severe weather shocks. Unpublished working paper, available as arXiv:2403.14216.
- Lütkepohl H. 2005. New Introduction to Multiple Time Series Analysis, Springer.
- McElroy T. 2017. Computation of vector ARMA autocovariances. Statistics and Probability Letters, 124 , 92-96.
- Kilian L., Lütkepohl H. 20017. Structural Vector Autoregressive Analysis. 1st edition. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
- Tsay R. 1998. Testing and Modeling Multivariate Threshold Models. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 93 :443, 1188-1202.
- Virolainen S. 2025. Identification by non-Gaussianity in structural threshold and smooth transition vector autoregressive models. Unpublished working paper, available as arXiv:2404.19707.
See Also
, fitSTVAR