Check if folds result from subsampling with p = 0.5.
Check if folds result from subsampling with p = 0.5.
(Internal) function that checks if folds result from subsampling with p = 0.5 and adds complementary pairs if needed.
check_folds(folds, B, n, sampling.type)
folds: a weight matrix that represents the subsamples.
B: number of subsampling replicates.
n: the number of observations; needed for internal checks.
sampling.type: sampling type to be used.
This is an internal function used to check if folds are specified correctly. For details (e.g. on arguments) see stabsel.
A matrix containing the folds, possibly after adding the complementary pairs.
B. Hofner, L. Boccuto and M. Goeker (2015), Controlling false discoveries in high-dimensional situations: Boosting with stability selection. BMC Bioinformatics, 16:144.