Staged Event Trees
Convert to an adjacency matrix
Convert to a bnlearn
Obtain the equivalent DAG as list of parents
Coerce to sevt
Bar plots of stage probabilities
Chain event graph (CEG)
Check sevt objects
Conditional independences matrices of stages
Context specific interventional discrepancy
Compare two staged event tree
Confidence intervals for staged event tree parameters
Extract dependency subtree
Compute the distance matrix
Plot an edge
Erase the sevt fit
Expand probabilities of a staged event tree
Find the stage of the path
Full and independent staged event tree
Generate a random binary dataset for classification
Generate a random binary dataset
Generate a xor dataset
Get stage or path
Inclusions of stages
join positions in a staged tree model
Join stages
Join situations with no observations
Log-Likelihood of a staged event tree
Likelihood Ratio Test for staged trees models
Distribute counts along tree
New label
Plot a node
noisy xor function
Compute probability of a path from root
igraph's plotting for CEG
Plot method for staged event trees
Predict method for staged event tree
Print a parentslist object
Print a staged event tree
Probabilities for a staged event tree
Distances between probabilities
Generate a random parentslist
object (DAG)
Generate a random (fitted) sevt
Rename stage(s) in staged event tree
Sample from a staged event tree
Optimal Order Search
Greedy Order Search
Staged event tree (sevt) class
Add a variable to a staged event tree
Number of parameters of a staged event tree
Fit a staged event tree
Number of variables
Simplify a staged tree model
Variable names
Split randomly a stage
Staged event trees.
The stages of a staged event tree
Backward hill-climbing
Backward random hill-climbing
Backward joining of stages
Context-specific Backward hill-climbing
Fast backward hill-climbing
Learn a staged tree with hierarchical clustering
Learn a staged tree with k-means clustering
Backward hill-climbing for simple staged trees
Standard renaming of stages
Extract subtree
Summarizing staged event trees
Add text to a staged event tree plot
return path index
Tree string
Unique id from named list
Find maximum value
Export the staged tree or CEG graph to tikz
Creates and fits staged event tree probability models, which are probabilistic graphical models capable of representing asymmetric conditional independence statements for categorical variables. Includes functions to create, plot and fit staged event trees from data, as well as many efficient structure learning algorithms. References: Carli F, Leonelli M, Riccomagno E, Varando G (2022). <doi: 10.18637/jss.v102.i06>. Collazo R. A., Görgen C. and Smith J. Q. (2018, ISBN:9781498729604). Görgen C., Bigatti A., Riccomagno E. and Smith J. Q. (2018) <arXiv:1705.09457>. Thwaites P. A., Smith, J. Q. (2017) <arXiv:1510.00186>. Barclay L. M., Hutton J. L. and Smith J. Q. (2013) <doi:10.1016/j.ijar.2013.05.006>. Smith J. Q. and Anderson P. E. (2008) <doi:10.1016/j.artint.2007.05.004>.
Useful links