FW function

S3 class FW

S3 class FW

Function for creating objects of S3 class FW (Finlay-Wilkinson).

print, summary, plot and report methods are available.

createFW( estimates, anova, envEffs, trait, nGeno, nEnv, TD, fittedGeno, tol, iter )


  • estimates: A data.frame containing the estimated values.
  • anova: A data.frame containing anova scores of the FW analysis.
  • envEffs: A data.frame containing the environmental effects.
  • trait: A character value indicating the analysed trait.
  • nGeno: A numerical value containing the number of genotypes in the analysis.
  • nEnv: A numerical value containing the number of environments in the analysis.
  • TD: The object of class TD on which the analysis was performed.
  • fittedGeno: The fitted values for the genotypes.
  • tol: A numerical value containing the tolerance used during the analysis.
  • iter: A numerical value containing the number of iterations for the analysis to converge.

See Also

plot.FW, report.FW