Statistical Functions for Probability Distributions and Regression
Bandwidth calculation
Coefficient of variation
The Bernoulli distribution
Kernel density estimation
Conversion between abbreviated distribution names and proper names
Error function
Breakpoints to be passed to a Histogram
Hellinger distance
Alternative Histograms
Smoothing kernels
Lag a vector
Most frequent value(s)
Piecewise-constant regression
Basic plot of a loess object
Default model predictions
Objects exported from other packages
Alternative Table Creation
Tukey's trimean
A collection of miscellaneous statistical functions for probability distributions: 'dbern()', 'pbern()', 'qbern()', 'rbern()' for the Bernoulli distribution, and 'distr2name()', 'name2distr()' for distribution names; probability density estimation: 'densityfun()'; most frequent value estimation: 'mfv()', 'mfv1()'; other statistical measures of location: 'cv()' (coefficient of variation), 'midhinge()', 'midrange()', 'trimean()'; construction of histograms: 'histo()', 'find_breaks()'; calculation of the Hellinger distance: 'hellinger()'; use of classical kernels: 'kernelfun()', 'kernel_properties()'; univariate piecewise-constant regression: 'picor()'.