Subpopulation Treatment Effect Pattern Plot (STEPP)
Class "stmodelKM"
Analyze competing risks data using Cumulative Incidence method
Analyze survival data using Kaplan-Meier method
Utility function for determining the optimal values for generating the...
The standard generic function for all estimate methods
Utility function to generate tail-oriented window
The standard generic function for the generate method in stsubpop clas...
The constructor to create the stmodelCI object
The method performs an edge analysis on the STEPP GLM model estimate o...
The constructor to create the stmodelGLM object
The constructor to create the stmodelKM object
Analyze survival or competing risks data
The method to print the release note for STEPP.
The constructor to create the stsubpop object and generate the subpopu...
The constructor to generate a complete steppes object with effect esti...
The constructor to create the stepp window object
A function to generate the stepp plots
The function to print the estimate, covariance matrices and test stati...
The function to produce a summary of the size and various attributes o...
Class "steppes"
Class "stmodel"
Class "stmodelCI"
Class "stmodelGLM"
Class "stsubpop"
Class "stwin"
the standard generic function for all test methods
A method to explore the treatment-covariate interactions in survival or generalized linear model (GLM) for continuous, binomial and count data arising from two or more treatment arms of a clinical trial. A permutation distribution approach to inference is implemented, based on permuting the covariate values within each treatment group.