checkBeta function

Looks for words that load exclusively onto a topic

Looks for words that load exclusively onto a topic

Checks the log beta matrix for values too close to 0, which reflect words that load onto a single topic.

checkBeta(stmobject, tolerance = 0.01)


  • stmobject: STM Model Output
  • tolerance: User specified input reflecting closeness to 1. E.g. a tolerance of .01 will flag any values greater than .99. Tolerance must be above 1e-6.


  • problemTopics: A list of vectors, each vector corresponding to the set of topics in the relevant beta matrix that contain words with too high of a loading to that topic - topicErrorTotal: A list of integers, each corresponding to the total number of topics with problems in the relevant beta matrix - problemWords: A list of matrices, each corresponding to a relevant beta matrix, which gives the topic and word index of each word with too high of a topic loading - wordErrorTotal: A list of integers, each corresponding to the total words with problems for the relevant beta matrix - check: A boolean representing if the check was passed. If wordErrorTotal is all 0s (no errors), check is True.


The function checks the log beta matrix for values that exceed the tolerance threshold, indicating that a word has loaded onto a single topics. The output gives the user lists of which topics have problems, which words in which topics have problems, as well as a count of the total problems in topics and the total number of problem words.

Note that if the tolerance value is below 1e-6, this function will throw an error.




Antonio Coppola

  • Maintainer: Brandon Stewart
  • License: MIT + file LICENSE
  • Last published: 2023-12-01