prepDocuments function

Prepare documents for analysis with stm

Prepare documents for analysis with stm

Performs several corpus manipulations including removing words and renumbering word indices (to correct for zero-indexing and/or unused words in the vocab vector).

prepDocuments( documents, vocab, meta = NULL, lower.thresh = 1, upper.thresh = Inf, subsample = NULL, verbose = TRUE )


  • documents: List of documents. For more on the format see stm.
  • vocab: Character vector of words in the vocabulary.
  • meta: Document metadata.
  • lower.thresh: Words which do not appear in a number of documents greater than lower.thresh will be dropped and both the documents and vocab files will be renumbered accordingly. If this causes all words within a document to be dropped, a message will print to the screen at it will also return vector of the documents removed so you can update your meta data as well. See details below.
  • upper.thresh: As with lower.thresh but this provides an upper bound. Words which appear in at least this number of documents will be dropped. Defaults to Inf which does no filtering.
  • subsample: If an integer will randomly subsample (without replacement) the given number of documents from the total corpus before any processing. Defaults to NULL which provides no subsampling. Note that the output may have fewer than the number of requested documents if additional processing causes some of those documents to be dropped.
  • verbose: A logical indicating whether or not to print details to the screen.


A list containing a new documents and vocab object. - documents: The new documents object for use with stm

  • vocab: The new vocab object for use with stm - meta: The new meta data object for use with stm. Will be the same if no documents are removed. - words.removed: A set of indices corresponding to the positions in the original vocab object of words which have been removed. - docs.removed: A set of indices corresponding to the positions in the original documents object of documents which no longer contained any words after dropping terms from the vocab.

  • tokens.removed: An integer corresponding to the number of unique tokens removed from the corpus. - wordcounts: A table giving the the number of documents that each word is found in of the original document set, prior to any removal. This can be passed through a histogram for visual inspection.


The default setting lower.thresh=1 means that words which appear in only one document will be dropped. This is often advantageous as there is little information about these words but the added cost of including them in the model can be quite large. In many cases it will be helpful to set this threshold considerably higher. If the vocabulary is in excess of 5000 entries inference can slow quite a bit.

If words are removed, the function returns a vector of the original indices for the dropped items. If it removed documents it returns a vector of doc indices removed. Users with accompanying metadata or texts may want to drop those rows from the corresponding objects.

The behavior is such that when prepDocuments drops documents their corresponding rows are deleted and the row names are not renumbered. We however do not recommend using rownames for joins- instead the best practice is to either keep a unique identifier in the meta object for doing joins or use something like quanteda which has a more robust interface for manipulating the corpus itself.

If you have any documents which are of length 0 in your original object the function will throw an error. These should be removed before running the function although please be sure to remove the corresponding rows in the meta data file if you have one. You can quickly identify the documents using the code: which(unlist(lapply(documents, length))==0).


temp<-textProcessor(documents=gadarian$open.ended.response,metadata=gadarian) meta<-temp$meta vocab<-temp$vocab docs<-temp$documents out <- prepDocuments(docs, vocab, meta)

See Also


  • Maintainer: Brandon Stewart
  • License: MIT + file LICENSE
  • Last published: 2023-12-01