model: Output from stm, or a selected model from selectModel.
documents: The documents (see stm for format).
xlab: Character string that is x axis title. This should be semantic coherence.
ylab: Character string that is y axis title. This should be exclusivity.
labels: Vector of number corresponding to topic numbers.
M: Number of words to use in semantic coherence and exclusivity calculations
...: Other plotting parameters from igraph.
Each model has semantic coherence and exclusivity values associated with each topic. This function plots these values and labels each with its topic number.
## Not run:#Semantic Coherence calculations require the original documents so we need#to reconstruct them here. temp<-textProcessor(documents=gadarian$open.ended.response,metadata=gadarian) meta<-temp$meta
out <- prepDocuments(docs, vocab, meta) docs<-out$documents
meta <-out$meta
topicQuality(model=gadarianFit, documents=docs)## End(Not run)