topicQuality function

Plots semantic coherence and exclusivity for each topic.

Plots semantic coherence and exclusivity for each topic.

Plots semantic coherence and exclusivity for each topic. Does not support models with content covariates.

topicQuality( model, documents, xlab = "Semantic Coherence", ylab = "Exclusivity", labels = 1:ncol(model$theta), M = 10, ... )


  • model: Output from stm, or a selected model from selectModel.
  • documents: The documents (see stm for format).
  • xlab: Character string that is x axis title. This should be semantic coherence.
  • ylab: Character string that is y axis title. This should be exclusivity.
  • labels: Vector of number corresponding to topic numbers.
  • M: Number of words to use in semantic coherence and exclusivity calculations
  • ...: Other plotting parameters from igraph.


Each model has semantic coherence and exclusivity values associated with each topic. This function plots these values and labels each with its topic number.


## Not run: #Semantic Coherence calculations require the original documents so we need #to reconstruct them here. temp<-textProcessor(documents=gadarian$open.ended.response,metadata=gadarian) meta<-temp$meta vocab<-temp$vocab docs<-temp$documents out <- prepDocuments(docs, vocab, meta) docs<-out$documents vocab<-out$vocab meta <-out$meta topicQuality(model=gadarianFit, documents=docs) ## End(Not run)
  • Maintainer: Brandon Stewart
  • License: MIT + file LICENSE
  • Last published: 2023-12-01