Univariate Stratification of Survey Populations
Populations Analyzed in Gunning and Horgan (2004) and Cochran (1961)
Stratification of a Population Given a Set of Boundaries
Generalized Lavallee-Hidiroglou Method of Strata Construction
Non-Iterative Methods of Strata Construction
Functions to Visualize Stratified Designs
Collection of Functions for Univariate Stratification of Survey Popula...
Anticipated Variances and RRMSE from a Stratified Design for a Survey ...
Univariate stratification of survey populations with a generalization of the Lavallee-Hidiroglou method of stratum construction. The generalized method takes into account a discrepancy between the stratification variable and the survey variable. The determination of the optimal boundaries also incorporate, if desired, an anticipated non-response, a take-all stratum for large units, a take-none stratum for small units, and a certainty stratum to ensure that some specific units are in the sample. The well known cumulative root frequency rule of Dalenius and Hodges and the geometric rule of Gunning and Horgan are also implemented.