Estimators of Prediction Accuracy for Time-to-Event Data
AUC estimator proposed by Chambless and Diao
AUC estimator proposed by Hung and Chiang
AUC estimator proposed by Song and Zhou
AUC estimator proposed by Uno et al.
C-statistic by Begg et al.
Gonen and Heller's Concordance Index for Cox models
Integration of time-dependent AUC curves
R2-type coefficients for Cox proportional hazards models
Plot method for survAUC and survErr Objects
Distance-based estimators of survival predictive accuracy
Distance-based estimator of survival predictive accuracy proposed by S...
C-statistic by Uno et al.
Provides a variety of functions to estimate time-dependent true/false positive rates and AUC curves from a set of censored survival data.