Extract Neighbourhood Weights from a Fitted hhh4 Model
Extract Neighbourhood Weights from a Fitted hhh4 Model
The getNEweights function extracts the (fitted) weight matrix/array from a "hhh4" object, after scaling and normalization. The coefW function extracts the coefficients of parametric neighbourhood weights from a hhh4 fit (or directly from a corresponding coefficient vector), i.e., coefficients whose names begin with neweights .
getNEweights(object, pars = coefW(object), scale = ne$scale, normalize = ne$normalize)coefW(object)
object: an object of class "hhh4". coefW also works with the coefficient vector.
pars: coefficients for parametric neighbourhood weights, such as for models using W_powerlaw. Defaults to the corresponding point estimates in object.
scale,normalize: parameters of the ne component of hhh4.