sim.seasonalNoise function

Generation of Background Noise for Simulated Timeseries

Generation of Background Noise for Simulated Timeseries

Generation of a cyclic model of a Poisson distribution as background data for a simulated timevector.

The mean of the Poisson distribution is modelled as: [REMOVE_ME]μ=exp(Asin(frequencyω(t+ϕ))+α+βt+Kstate) \mu = \exp(A \sin( frequency \cdot \omega \cdot (t + \phi)) + \alpha + \beta * t + K * state)%mu = exp(A * sin( frequency * omega * (t + phi)) + alpha + beta * t + K * state) [REMOVE_ME_2] latin1


Generation of a cyclic model of a Poisson distribution as background data for a simulated timevector.

The mean of the Poisson distribution is modelled as:

μ=exp(Asin(frequencyω(t+ϕ))+α+βt+Kstate) \mu = \exp(A \sin( frequency \cdot \omega \cdot (t + \phi)) + \alpha + \beta * t + K * state)%mu = exp(A * sin( frequency * omega * (t + phi)) + alpha + beta * t + K * state)
sim.seasonalNoise(A = 1, alpha = 1, beta = 0, phi = 0, length, frequency = 1, state = NULL, K = 0)


  • A: amplitude (range of sinus), default = 1.
  • alpha: parameter to move along the y-axis (negative values not allowed) with alpha > = A, default = 1.
  • beta: regression coefficient, default = 0.
  • phi: factor to create seasonal moves (moves the curve along the x-axis), default = 0.
  • length: number of weeks to model.
  • frequency: factor to determine the oscillation-frequency, default = 1.
  • state: if a state chain is entered the outbreaks will be additional weighted by K.
  • K: additional weight for an outbreak which influences the distribution parameter mu, default = 0.


an object of class seasonNoise which includes the modelled timevector, the parameter mu and all input parameters.

See Also



M. , A. Riebler, C. Lang


season <- sim.seasonalNoise(length = 300) plot(season$seasonalBackground,type = "l") # use a negative timetrend beta season <- sim.seasonalNoise(beta = -0.003, length = 300) plot(season$seasonalBackground,type = "l")