sts_creation function

Simulate Count Time Series with Outbreaks

Simulate Count Time Series with Outbreaks

Function for simulating a time series and creating an sts object. As the counts are generated using a negative binomial distribution one also gets the (1-alpha) quantile for each timepoint (can be interpreted as an in-control upperbound for in-control values). The baseline and outbreaks are created as in Noufaily et al. (2012).

sts_creation(theta, beta, gamma1, gamma2, m, overdispersion, dates, sizesOutbreak, datesOutbreak, delayMax, alpha, densityDelay)


  • theta: baseline frequency of reports
  • beta: time trend
  • gamma1: seasonality
  • gamma2: seasonality
  • m: seasonality
  • overdispersion: size parameter of rnbinom for the parameterization with mean and dispersion
  • dates: dates of the time series
  • sizesOutbreak: sizes of all the outbreaks (vector)
  • datesOutbreak: dates of all the outbreaks (vector)
  • delayMax: maximal delay in time units
  • alpha: alpha for getting the (1-alpha) quantile of the negative binomial distribution at each timepoint
  • densityDelay: density distribution for the delay


set.seed(12345) # Time series parameters scenario4 <- c(1.6,0,0.4,0.5,2) theta <- 1.6 beta <- 0 gamma1 <-0.4 gamma2 <- 0.5 overdispersion <- 1 m <- 1 # Dates firstDate <- "2006-01-01" lengthT=350 dates <- as.Date(firstDate) + 7 * 0:(lengthT - 1) # Maximal delay in weeks D=10 # Dates and sizes of the outbreaks datesOutbreak <- as.Date(c("2008-03-30","2011-09-25")) sizesOutbreak <- c(2,5) # Delay distribution data("salmAllOnset") in2011 <- which(isoWeekYear(epoch(salmAllOnset))$ISOYear == 2011) rT2011 <- salmAllOnset@control$reportingTriangle$n[in2011,] densityDelay <- apply(rT2011,2,sum, na.rm=TRUE)/sum(rT2011, na.rm=TRUE) # alpha for the upperbound alpha <- 0.05 # Create the sts with the full time series stsSim <- sts_creation(theta=theta,beta=beta,gamma1=gamma1,gamma2=gamma2,m=m, overdispersion=overdispersion, dates=dates, sizesOutbreak=sizesOutbreak,datesOutbreak=datesOutbreak, delayMax=D,densityDelay=densityDelay, alpha=alpha) plot(stsSim)


Noufaily, A., Enki, D.G., Farrington, C.P., Garthwaite, P., Andrews, N.J., Charlett, A. (2012): An improved algorithm for outbreak detection in multiple surveillance systems. Statistics in Medicine, 32 (7), 1206-1222.