stsplot_spacetime function

Animated Map of Disease Incidence (DEPRECATED)

Animated Map of Disease Incidence (DEPRECATED)

stsplot_spacetime is deprecated; use the animate method instead.

For each period (row) or for the overall period of the observed matrix of the "sts" object, a map showing the counts by region is produced. It is possible to redirect the output into files, e.g., to generate an animated GIF. latin1

stsplot_spacetime(x, type, legend = NULL, opts.col = NULL, labels = TRUE, = 250, cex.lab = 0.7, verbose = FALSE, dev.printer = NULL, ...)


  • x: an object of class "sts".

  • type: a formula (see stsplot). For a map aggregated over time (no animation), use observed ~ 1 | unit, otherwise observed ~ 1 | unit * time.

  • legend: a list containing the following items used for coloring

    • dx: position increments in x direction
    • dy: position increments in y direction
    • x: position in x
    • y: position in y
    • once: a Boolean; if TRUE then only shown once

    If NULL then a default legend is used.

  • opts.col: a list containing the two elements

    • ncolors: number of colors to use for plotting
    • use.color: a Boolean; if TRUE then colors will be used in the palette, otherwise grayscale
  • labels: Boolean whether to add labels

  • Number of milliseconds to wait between each plot

  • cex.lab: cex of the labels

  • verbose: Boolean whether to write out extra information

  • dev.printer: Either NULL (default), which means that plotting is only to the screen, or a list with elements device, extension, width, height, and name

    (with defaults png, ".png", 640, 480, and "Rplot", respectively) to dev.print the plots to files (only works in interactive sessions). This option is more or less obsolete since the animation

    package provides better features for output to files.

  • ...: Extra arguments sent to the plot function.


Michael H hle

See Also

Other stsplot types, and animate.sts for the new implementation.


data("ha.sts") print(ha.sts) ## Not run: # map of total counts by district (compare old vs. new implementation) plot(ha.sts, type = observed ~ 1 | unit) # deprecated plot(ha.sts, type = observed ~ unit, labels = TRUE) # space-time animation plot(aggregate(ha.sts,nfreq=13), type = observed ~ 1 | unit * time) #print the frames to a png device #and do the animation without extra sleeping between frames imgname <- file.path(tempdir(), "berlin") plot(aggregate(ha.sts,nfreq=13), type = observed ~ 1 | unit * time,, dev.printer=list(name=imgname)) #Use ImageMagick (you might have to adjust the path to 'convert') system(paste0("convert -delay 50 ", imgname, "*.png ", imgname, "-animated.gif")) ## End(Not run)