Survival Analysis
Aalen's additive regression model for censored data
Adjudicate near ties in a Surv object
Average survival curves
Cox model fitting functions
Acute Myelogenous Leukemia survival data
Analysis of Deviance for a Cox model.
Create new-style "assign" attribute
Alias for the survfit function
Bladder Cancer Recurrences
Bounded link functions
Compute the Brier score for a Cox model
Fits proportional hazards regression model to case-cohort data
Chronic Granulotomous Disease data
Confidence limits for the Poisson
Conditional logistic regression
Identify clusters.
Chemotherapy for Stage B/C colon cancer
Compute the concordance statistic for data or a model
Compute the concordance
Test the Proportional Hazards Assumption of a Cox Regression
Ancillary arguments for controlling coxph fits
Details of a Cox Model Fit
Proportional Hazards Regression Object
Fit Proportional Hazards Regression Model
Compute a quadratic form
Multi-state Proportional Hazards Regression Object
A direct interface to the `computational engine' of survfit.coxph
Distributions available in survreg.
Create data for a Fine-Gray model
Random effects terms
Breast cancer data sets used in Royston and Altman (2013)
Mouse cancer data
Verify that an object is of class ratetable.
Kidney catheter data
Return the states of a multi-state Surv object
Add Lines or Points to a Survival Plot
logLik method for a Cox model
NCCTG Lung Cancer Data
Monoclonal gammopathy data
Monoclonal gammopathy data
Model.frame method for coxph objects
Model.matrix method for coxph models
Acute myeloid leukemia
Survival times of patients with multiple myeloma
Find the index of the closest value in data set 2, for each entry in d...
Natural splines with knot heights as the basis.
Ovarian Cancer Survival Data
Mayo Clinic Primary Biliary Cirrhosis, sequential data
Plot an aareg object.
Graphical Test of Proportional Hazards
Plot method for survfit
Predictions for a Cox model
Predicted Values for a `survreg' Object
Print an aareg object
Print method for summary.coxph objects
Print Survexp Summary
Print Survfit Summary
Print a Short Summary of a Survival Curve
Pseudo values for survival.
Smoothing splines using a pspline basis
Person Years
Quantiles from a survfit object
Allow ratetable() terms in a model
Convert date objects to ratetable form
Rat treatment data from Mantel et al
Rat data from Gail et al.
Calculate Residuals for a `coxph' Fit
IJ residuals from a survfit object.
Compute Residuals for `survreg' Objects
Ridge regression
Breast cancer data set used in Royston and Altman (2013)
Compute Royston's D for a Cox model
Compute redistribute-to-the-right weights
More Stanford Heart Transplant data
Draw a state space figure.
Identify Stratification Variables
Summarize an aareg fit
Summary method for Cox models
Summary function for pyears objecs
Summary function for a survexp object
Summary of a Survival Curve
Create a Survival Object
Create a survival object
Convert data from timecourse to (time1,time2) style
Checks of a survival data set
Shorten a (time1, time2) survival dataset
Test Survival Curve Differences
Compute Expected Survival
Expected Survival Curve Object
Census Data Sets for the Expected Survival and Person Years Functions
Compute a Survival Curve from a Cox model
Compute a Survival Curve for Censored Data
Create Aalen-Johansen estimates of multi-state survival from a matrix ...
Survival Curve Object
Create survival curves
Convert the format of a survfit object.
A direct interface to the `computational engine' of survfit.coxph
Deprecated functions in package survival
Internal survival functions
Methods for Surv objects
O'Brien's Test for Association of a Single Variable with Survival
Package options for survreg and coxph
Parametric Survival Distributions
Parametric Survival Model Object
Regression for a Parametric Survival Model
Verify a survreg distribution
Split a survival data set at specified times
Factors for person-year calculations
Convert to/from a timeline data set format
Time based merge for survival data
Help Process the specials' Argument of the
terms' Function.
Projected US Population
Variance-covariance matrix
Veterans' Administration Lung Cancer study
Sorting order for Surv objects
Method for adding new models to the yates
Population prediction
Contains the core survival analysis routines, including definition of Surv objects, Kaplan-Meier and Aalen-Johansen (multi-state) curves, Cox models, and parametric accelerated failure time models.