data.gen.Rossler function

Rössler system

Rössler system

Generates a 3-dimensional time series using the Rossler equations.

data.gen.Rossler( a = 0.2, b = 0.2, w = 5.7, start = c(-2, -10, 0.2), time = seq(0, by = 0.05, length.out = 1000), s )


  • a: The a parameter. Default: 0.2.
  • b: The b parameter. Default: 0.2.
  • w: The w parameter. Default: 5.7.
  • start: A 3-dimensional numeric vector indicating the starting point for the time series. Default: c(-2, -10, 0.2).
  • time: The temporal interval at which the system will be generated. Default: time=seq(0,50,by=0.01) or time = seq(0,by=0.01,length.out = 1000)
  • s: The level of noise, default 0.


A list with four vectors named time, x, y

and z containing the time, the x-components, the y-components and the z-components of the Rössler system, respectively.


The Rössler system is a system of ordinary differential equations defined as:

x˙=(y+z)dx/dt=(y+z) \dot{x} = -(y + z)dx/dt = -(y + z) y˙=x+aydy/dt=x+ay \dot{y} = x+a \cdot ydy/dt = x + a*y z˙=b+z(xw)dz/dt=b+z(xw) \dot{z} = b + z*(x-w)dz/dt = b + z*(x-w)

The default selection for the system parameters (a = 0.2, b = 0.2, w = 5.7) is known to produce a deterministic chaotic time series. However, the values a = 0.1, b = 0.1, and c = 14 are more commonly used. These Rössler equations are simpler than those Lorenz used since only one nonlinear term appears (the product xz in the third equation).

Here, a = b = 0.1 and c changes. The bifurcation diagram reveals that low values of c are periodic, but quickly become chaotic as c increases. This pattern repeats itself as c increases --- there are sections of periodicity interspersed with periods of chaos, and the trend is towards higher-period orbits as c increases. For example, the period one orbit only appears for values of c around 4 and is never found again in the bifurcation diagram. The same phenomenon is seen with period three; until c = 12, period three orbits can be found, but thereafter, they do not appear.


Some initial values may lead to an unstable system that will tend to infinity.


###synthetic example - Rössler ts.r <- data.gen.Rossler(a = 0.1, b = 0.1, w = 8.7, start = c(-2, -10, 0.2), time = seq(0, by=0.05, length.out = 10000)) oldpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE) par(mfrow=c(1,1), ps=12, cex.lab=1.5) plot.ts(cbind(ts.r$x,ts.r$y,ts.r$z), col=c('black','red','blue')) par(mfrow=c(1,2), ps=12, cex.lab=1.5) plot(ts.r$x,ts.r$y, xlab='x',ylab = 'y', type = 'l') plot(ts.r$x,ts.r$z, xlab='x',ylab = 'z', type = 'l') par(oldpar)


Rössler, O. E. 1976. An equation for continuous chaos. Physics Letters A, 57, 397-398.

Constantino A. Garcia (2019). nonlinearTseries: Nonlinear Time Series Analysis. R package version 0.2.7.
