Solve for Leaf Temperature Using Energy Balance
Ar: Archimedes number
S3 class constants
Convert conductance units
d_wv: water vapour gradient (mol / m ^ 3)
D_x: Calculate diffusion coefficient for a given temperature and press...
g_bw: Boundary layer conductance to water vapour (m / s)
g_h: boundary layer conductance to heat (m / s)
Gr: Grashof number
g_tw: total conductance to water vapour (m/s)
H: sensible heat flux density (W / m^2)
h_vap: heat of vaporization (J / mol)
L: Latent heat flux density (W / m^2)
Nu: Nusselt number
P_a: density of dry air (g / m^3)
Saturation water vapour pressure (kPa)
R_abs: total absorbed radiation (W / m^2)
Re: Reynolds number
Sh: Sherwood number
S_r: longwave re-radiation (W / m^2)
Calculate virtual temperature
Evaporation (mol / (m^2 s))
Calculate leaf energy balance
S3 class enviro_par
S3 class leaf_par
Make lists of parameters of leaf, environmental, or constant parameter...
Get vector of parameter names
: find leaf temperatures for multiple parameter sets
Implements models of leaf temperature using energy balance. It uses units to ensure that parameters are properly specified and transformed before calculations. It allows separate lower and upper surface conductances to heat and water vapour, so sensible and latent heat loss are calculated for each surface separately as in Foster and Smith (1986) <doi:10.1111/j.1365-3040.1986.tb02108.x>. It's straightforward to model leaf temperature over environmental gradients such as light, air temperature, humidity, and wind. It can also model leaf temperature over trait gradients such as leaf size or stomatal conductance. Other references are Monteith and Unsworth (2013, ISBN:9780123869104), Nobel (2009, ISBN:9780123741431), and Okajima et al. (2012) <doi:10.1007/s11284-011-0905-5>.