pls(x, y, K=1, scale=TRUE, verb=TRUE)## S3 method for class 'pls'predict( object, newdata, type="response",...)## S3 method for class 'pls'summary( object,...)## S3 method for class 'pls'print(x,...)## S3 method for class 'pls'plot(x, K=NULL, xlab="response", ylab=NULL,...)
x: The covariate matrix, in either dgCMatrix or matrix format. For plot and print: a pls output object.
y: The response vector.
K: The number of desired PLS directions. In plotting, this can be a vector of directions to draw, otherwise directions 1:fit$K are plotted.
scale: An indicator for whether to scale x; usually a good idea. If scale=TRUE, model is fit with x scaled to have variance-one columns.
verb: Whether or not to print a small progress script.
object: For predict and summary: a pls output object.
newdata: For predict, an ncol(x)-column matrix of new observations. Can be either a simple matrix or a simple_triplet_matrix.
type: For predict, a choice between output types: predictions scaled to the original response for "response", fitted partial least squares directions for "reduction".
xlab: For plot, the x-axis label.
ylab: For plot, the y-axis label. If null, will be set to `pls(k) fitted values' for each k.
...: Additional arguments.
Output from pls is a list with the following entries - y: The response vector.
x: The unchanged covariate matrix.
directions: The pls directions: x%*%loadings - shift.
loadings: The pls loadings.
shift: Shift applied after projection to center the PLS directions.
fitted: K columns of fitted y values for each number of directions.
fwdmod: The lm object from forward regression lm(as.numeric(y)~directions).
predict.pls outputs either a vector of predicted resonse or an nrow(newcounts) by ncol(object$loadings) matrix of pls directions for each new observation. Summary and plot produce return nothing.
pls fits the Partial Least Squares algorithm described in Taddy (2012; Appendix A.1). In particular, we obtain loadings loadings[,k] as the correlation between X and factors factors[,k], where factors[,1] is initialized at scale(as.numeric(y)) and subsequent factors are orthogonal to to the k'th pls direction, an ortho-normal transformation of x%*%loadings[,k].
predict.pls returns predictions from the object$fwdmod
forward regression α+β∗z for projections z = x*loadings - shift derived from new covariates, or if type="reduction" it just returns these projections. summary.pls prints dimension details and a quick summary of the corresponding forward regression. plot.pls draws response versus fitted values for least-squares fit onto the K pls directions.
Taddy (2013), Multinomial Inverse Regression for Text Analysis. Journal of the American Statistical Association 108.
Wold, H. (1975), Soft modeling by latent variables: The nonlinear iterative partial least squares approach. In Perspectives in Probability and Statistics, Papers in Honour of M.S. Bartlett.